1st, the text you describe will not be sent to the channel, or the irc-server itself in any way. It will only be sent through dcc chat "partyline" sessions (which is a direct client to client connection, no irc server traffic here). If you don't want those "#mychannel (+cnt) : [m/65....." messages, either set the channel -statuslog, or modify your console-setting (see .console) to not include the "o" logging flag.
2nd, your eggie will always stive to become a chanop, and once opped; manage the channel. What you can do, is limit the actions it will take to do so.
In order to get opped, your eggie will check these settings for actions to get opped:
- need-xxx channel setting (this setting is channel speciffic, xxx = what the bot needs: op, key, etc)
- "need" binding (matches channel against mask)
Both specify tcl commands to be evaluated whenever your bot needs something. Unset/unbind to make sure your bot does not ask for op.
To make your bot as passive as possible should it ever get opped, make sure you configure your eggdrop something like this (all channel-settings):
-auto[op|voice], -bitch, +dontkickops, -dynamic[bans|invites|exempts], -enforcebans, -greet, -protect[ops|friends|halfops], -revenge, -revengebot, +user[bans|invites|exempts].
Also set flood-[chan|deop|kick|join|ctcp|nick] to 0:0 and stopnethack to 0
If you get alot of "#mychannel is active but has no ops", it would seem your bot thinks the channel is opless. Unfortunately, I can't think of any way of getting rid of these log-entries without modifying the source. Even so, these won't be sent to the irc-server either.