Is it possible to skip subresults?
the script prints the subresult as the second result instead of the true second result.
btw. I am using v1.8.4.
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 1]
# dunno how efficient this is, but all sibling results are within <blockquote's>
# so this might be all you need. who knows. i barely know tcl, but luv regsub's.. heh
regsub -all -- {<blockquote.+?>(.+?)<.+?blockquote>} $html {} html
more of a quick pre-parsing hack than an actual fix within the google regexp/regsub's, but it _should_ work
i'm improving some of my procs in an effort to clean them up to port them over to madwoota's 2.0 update (when it's released that is).. I'll link something soon when I finally get it working like I want it to..
Regular searches seem to be broken tonight, they can be fixed via finding the # regular searches line in proc google (sorry it's not open right now and I'm posting this in a rush), and changing the regexp <p to regexp <div, and the regsub a few lines below it also from the <p to <div
EMERGENCY BUGFIX RELEASE! for v1.8 series - now at v1.8.5
- fixed main google results broke ! Google changed <p> -> <div>
- fixed weather
- fixed area code map results (eg: !g 90210 or !g beverly hills, ca)
- added new setting (subresults) to DEFAULT to NOT return secondary results - seems like blockquotes are gone speechless
Looks like there is a bunch more stuff thats broken too ... but I'll get to them soon(ish).
I'm running the latest Eggdrop on Debian Etch and I just installed the latest version of this script. It works flawless but there's one bug I guess. It only outputs 1 search result. The TCL has 3 results configured though.
Any ideas? Did not change anything to the TCL, it's like it's provided a few posts above.