Code: Select all
channel set #dralla chanmode +tn-kim
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
revenge-mode 0
need-op { }
need-invite { }
need-key { }
need-unban { }
need-limit { }
flood-chan 10:60
flood-ctcp 3:60
flood-join 5:60
flood-kick 3:10
flood-deop 3:10
flood-nick 5:60
aop-delay 5:30
ban-time 0
exempt-time 0
invite-time 0
-enforcebans -dynamicbans +userbans -autoop -autohalfop -bitch -greet -protectops -protecthalfops -protectfriends -dontkickops -statuslog -revenge -revengebot -autovoice -secret -shared -cycle -seen -inactive -dynamicexempts -userexempts -dynamicinvites -userinvites -nodesynch
For example:# .ap:add <list> <chan/global> <elements>
# .ap:rem <list> <chan/global> <elements>
# ** Available lists: bchans, bnicks, bidents, bwords, adexempts,
# droneexempts, adwords & bctcrs.
or.ap:add bchans global #chan1 #chan2 #chan*
Same for .ap:rem..ap:add bwords #mychannel "*word 1*" word2 word3 "word 4 bla*"
sir i have use it but still get error :Sir_Fz wrote:Alright, I have fixed the bugs reported for AllProtection4.6b7. Get the new file AllProtection4.6b7. these bugs include ap:reset and ap:disable commands causing error and the bad channel protection not working (now fixed).
No sir, I have using from the latest one, download from your link on Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:02 am, here i give you the error information from partyline :Sir_Fz wrote:You probably have the older 4.6b7, make sure you're using the latest one (the one with a more recent release date).
If you're sure you're using the correct script then provide extra information about the error by showing the output of '.set errorInfo' in partyline.
Code: Select all
if {$u == "ap:level" && ....}
Code: Select all
if {[lindex $u 0] == "ap:level" && ....}
i just edit variable exmptype 0 and variable notifyusers to my nick.. nothing else. about the channel, i only set whre the bot exist..Sir_Fz wrote:Did you edit anything in the script? Perhaps the case of ap:level in the line 'lappend ap:udefs {ap:level 75}' this is supposed to remain lower-case in case you did change it. Unless you've done something wrong, I don't see why that error should occur.
This error means that the channel setting does not exist, which means it has not been initially set by the script. I don't see how that could happen unless the script has been wrongfully altered.