@cr4sh: Which irc server are you trying to identify on? Here's an example for undernet (this goes in your eggdrop.conf, make sure there are no other proc evnt:init_server entries in your conf.)
Code: Select all
bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server
proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
putquick "MODE $botnick +ix-ws"
putquick "PRIVMSG X@channels.undernet.org :login botname botpassword"
If its a server that uses nickserv, change the privmsg line to:
putquick "PRIVMSG nickserv :identify botpassword"
or possibly:
putquick "ns identify botpassword"
Some servers use the command "ns" to talk to nickserv, instead of /msg nickserv.
You're basically issuing the same commands you do for yourself when you identify manually. Make sure your bot isn't ignoring nickserv and services in general when you connect, sometimes it will ignore them for flooding. Add nickserv and chanserv to your bot's userlist, give them the +f flag, and make sure they're not being ignored (if you're not seeing any replies from nickserv, then your bot is ignoring it or you don't have the right flags set on your dcc console to be able to see them. Check your .ignore list and check your console settings.)
And, yeah chanservneed is a very good script, I use that one too.