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probs with gbash script

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probs with gbash script

Post by Ladykiller »

Have that Script but get this error and dont know why
Tcl error [::rss::admin]: can't read "token": no such variable

Code: Select all


# - Namespace - #

namespace eval ::rss {

# - Packages - #

# Http

package require http

# - Settings - #

# Antispam Time (In Sekunden)

variable antispam "60"

# Feed

variable feed


variable idurl

# Style (Variablen: :title: :link

variable style "\[\002gBash Quote\002\] \037No.\037 %id% @ \037%link%\037 (%info%)"

# Zum Replacen

variable rep {
< <
> >

# - Setudef - #

# Flag


setudef flag rss

# - Binds - #

# Pub

# Admin

bind pub nm|nm ".gbash" ::rss::admin

# Time

# Check

bind time -|- "13 *" ::rss::check

# - Procs - #

# Admin

proc admin { nick host hand chan arg } {

switch -- [string toupper [lindex $arg 0]] {

ON { 

channel set $chan +rss

putserv "notice $nick :\[\002RSS\002\] ist jetzt \037aktiviert\037"



channel set $chan -rss

putserv "notice $nick :\[\002RSS\002\] ist jetzt \037deaktiviert\037"



putserv "notice $nick :\[\002RSS\002\] ist immoment \037[string map {1 aktiviert 2 deaktiviert} [channel get $chan rss]]\037"


default {

if {[string length $arg] < 1} {

putserv "privmsg $chan :\002Commands are\002 $::lastbind ON/OFF/STATUS/ID"

return 0


if {[info exists ::rss::as($chan)] && ($::rss::as($chan) >= [unixtime])} {

return 0


puthelp "notice $nick :\002Getting Quote...\002 please wait"

set ::rss::as($chan) [expr [unixtime] + $::rss::antispam]

::rss::getid $chan [lindex [split $arg] 0]

return 1




# GetID

proc getid { chan id } {

variable idurl

set curr [string map -nocase "%id% $id" $idurl]

if {[catch { set token [http::geturl $curr -timeout 10000]} error] == 1} {
putlog "$error"
} elseif {[http::status $token] == "ok"} {
set output [http::data $token]
} elseif {[http::status $token] == "timeout"} {
putlog "Timeout occurred"
::rss::send $chan "" $curr $id "" "Timeout"
} elseif {[http::status $token] == "error"} {
putlog [http::error $token]
return 0

http::cleanup $token

if {![info exists output]} { return 0 }

if {[string match -nocase "*Ein Zitat mit dieser id existiert leider nicht.*" $output]} {

::rss::send $chan "Ein Zitat mit dieser id existiert leider nicht." $curr $id "" "Ein Zitat mit dieser id existiert leider nicht."

return 0


regexp -nocase -- {<span class="date">.+?)</span>} $output -> date

regexp -nocase -- {<span class="network">.+?)</span>} $output -> net

set info [string trim [regsub -all -nocase -- {<.+?>} "$date - $net" ""]]

regexp -nocase -- {<div class="zitat">.+?)</div>} $output -> description

regsub -all -nocase -- {<.+?>} $description "" description

set description [string trim [string map -nocase $::rss::rep $description]]

::rss::send $chan l $curr $id $info $description

return 1


# Check

proc check { args } {

variable feed

set curr $feed

if {![info exists ::rss::last($curr)]} {

set ::rss::last($curr) ""


putlog "\[\002RSS\002\] Checking \037$curr\037"

if {[catch { set token [http::geturl $curr -timeout 10000]} error] == 1} {
putlog "$error"
} elseif {[http::status $token] == "ok"} {
set output [http::data $token]
} elseif {[http::status $token] == "timeout"} {
putlog "Timeout occurred"
} elseif {[http::status $token] == "error"} {
putlog [http::error $token]
return 0

http::cleanup $token

if {![info exists output]} { return 0 }

if {![regexp -nocase -- {<item>.*?<title>.+?)</title>} $output -> title]} {

putlog "\[\002RSS\002\] Error! Nothing found at $curr"

return 0


regexp -nocase -- {Zitat \#([0-9]*)\s} $title -> id

regsub -all -nocase -- {Zitat \#[0-9]*\s-\s} $title "" title

regsub -all -nocase -- "\n" $title "" title

if {[string equal -nocase $::rss::last($curr) $title]} {

return 0


set ::rss::last($curr) $title

regexp -nocase -- {<item>.*?<link>.+?)</link>.*?<description>.+?)</description>} $output -> link description

set description [string range $description 9 end-3]

regexp -nocase -- {<p>.+?)</p>} $description -> info

regsub -all -nocase -- {<p>.+?</p>} $description "" description

regsub -all -nocase -- {<br />} $description "\n" description

set description [string map -nocase $::rss::rep $description] 

if {![info exists link]} { set link $curr }

foreach chan [channels] {

if {[channel get $chan rss]} {

utimer 5 [list ::rss::send $chan $title $link $id $info $description]



return 1


# Send

proc send { chan title link id info text } {

variable style

set style [string map -nocase [list %url% $link] $style]
set style [string map -nocase [list %link% $link] $style]
set style [string map -nocase [list %title% $title] $style]
set style [string map -nocase [list %line% $title] $style]
set style [string map -nocase [list %info% $info] $style]
set style [string map -nocase [list %id% $id] $style]

puthelp "privmsg $chan :[join $style]"

foreach line [split $text \n] {

if {[string trim $line] == ""} { continue }

puthelp "privmsg $chan :$line"



putlog "\[\002RSS\002\] by \037#p0wl\037 Loaded!"

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Post by Sir_Fz »

You have to provide complete error info (.set errorInfo).
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