Can I get a point in the right direction to accomplish this? Basically if i could get the bot to log only the conversation of folks flagged a certain way in the user list... Perhaps a script that does something like it, but needs tweaking in one direction or other. I'm not a total eggdrop newbie, but I haven't done much in the area of coding, and can't find much in the way of pre-fab scripts that would get me in the ballpark. Any help appreciated
set oplogfile "logs/chanop.log
bind pubm o|o * op:log
proc op:log { n u h c t } {
global oplogfile
if [isop $n $c] {
set oplog [open oplogfile a]
set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds]]
puts $oplog "$timestamp = $t"
close $oplog
Warning: this was done at almost 1am and may have errors...
bind pubm o|o * op:log
proc op:log {n u h c t} {
if {[isop $n $c]} {
set oplogfile "logs/$c-chanops.log"
set oplog [open $oplogfile a]
set timestamp "[clock format [clock seconds]]"
puts $oplog "$timestamp = <$n> $t"
close $oplog
For example, chanop log for channel #bots will be logs/#bots-chanops.log.
However, the bot should not have crashed because of that (mine did not).
If the bot crashed on loading that script it may be in conflict with something else, so I changed the variables a little (made them internal to the procedure instead of global).