I use different tcls, in my eggdrop bot, and i want to have a single kick counter for all these tcls.
Can anyone can provide me with a kick counter, that can show the kick number in the end of every kick made by the eggdrop bot,so that i can have one kick counter for all my kicks made by different tcls, and can record the kicks in the txt file,
in the following format.
Kick#--->xyz (full address) was kicked from the #channel with the reason, at time, date.
I will be thankful if anyone of you can provide me with this.
Can you exactly tell me the name of the tcl which serve this purpose, as i have tried all of them, but some show the total numeber of kicks via the public channel command, or some work to create the html file, but do not show the the Kick # in the end of the kick msg, I will appreicate if you can paste the code over here, or guide me to the exact tcl.
NB: Moderators sorry if i am not able to trace the exact right tcl from the tcl archieve, but i think thr is no one which exactly serve this purpose.
I tried to use this one, but it do not put the Kick Count in the end of every kick/ban made by the bot, and do not create the log file containing the nick, reason, time, date for on which the user was banned from the channel. That why i was looking for a specific one.
Your "request" may simply be ignored anyway as counter scripts abound.
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You can't write a script which will append a kick-counter to all eggdrop's kick messages. What you can do is create a proc which will increment a specific number whenever triggered and call it in all kick messages issued by your eggdrop. Something like:
set kickcount 0
proc countkicks {} {
incr ::kickcount
# Then to all kicks add for example:
putserv "kick $chan $nick :kick message bla - kick#: [countkicks]"