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AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)

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Post by Sir_Fz »

Read here on how to enable the .tcl DCC command.

On what basis are you saying that the feature is not working? Is it not detecting a user on a bad channel or you're assuming that since it's not kicking anyone then it's not working (users are not necessary in bad channels you know). Anyway, please show me the output of '.tcl timers' after you enable the .tcl DCC command :)
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part msg bans

Post by outthere »

I am having a problem with my eggdrop banning when users quit. I have disabled part msg flood and cc but it seems to still ban them. I observed 2 dif users quitting with the same msg and it banned one but not the other. I dont know what else to try.

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Post by Alchera »

Code: Select all

.chanset #chan ap:partmsgs 0
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by Domin »

Sir_Fz wrote:On what basis are you saying that the feature is not working? Is it not detecting a user on a bad channel or you're assuming that since it's not kicking anyone then it's not working (users are not necessary in bad channels you know). Anyway, please show me the output of '.tcl timers' after you enable the .tcl DCC command :)
The function works fine for new users that join the channel, but if the users is in the channel when the bad channel is addet, or the bot joins after the users in the bad channel it wont detect it.
To shorten it down it works on new users joining, but not on existing (aka the 3 min interval i set for scanning have no effect)

This is what timers give me:

.tcl timers
Tcl: {2 cl_timer timer169616} {2 bop_settimer timer169627}
Domin @ efnet
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Are you sure you typed the command when the scan was enabled (> 0)? Because, it's working fine on a friend's eggdrop.
outthere wrote:I am having a problem with my eggdrop banning when users quit. I have disabled part msg flood and cc but it seems to still ban them. I observed 2 dif users quitting with the same msg and it banned one but not the other. I dont know what else to try.
Probably revolving door protection (i.e. the user joined then quitted after few seconds which triggered revolving door protection depending on your settings). Check ap:revdoor channel-setting.
Last edited by Sir_Fz on Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by outthere »

its not revolving door. I tested it myself with another script. I am wondering if it is control codes but I have them disabled

ap:partmsgc: {r:0 b:0 u:0 c:0 30 kb 2}

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Post by Sir_Fz »

I don't find any reason why AllProtection might do this, maybe it was advertising? (4.7b bans advertisements in quit/part msgs as well). Otherwise, it's probably an issue from another script. What you can do is type '.ap:monitor' in partyline to check current punishments when the bot does this behavior that you described.
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Post by outthere »

i was wondering if it was advertising.. i will try that then
will let you know if it was the problem



sigh... i added the url to exempt and it still banned
the ap:monitor said banned for adv but i added the exempts
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Post by Sir_Fz »

outthere wrote:sigh... i added the url to exempt and it still banned
the ap:monitor said banned for adv but i added the exempts
What is the url you added to exempt and what is the advertisement message? (You can't add wildcards to exempts) + if you have an exempt list specifically for the channel then the bot won't use the global exempt list (so make sure you added the exempt to the channel specific list if it exists - .ap:list adexempts #chan to check).
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Post by Domin »

Dohh, i must have been drunk or something the day i tested it, it works fine now, sorry for that :?
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Post by TheConstructor »

Hi yester i discovered a TCL-Error in allprotection4.6b7.tcl

Code: Select all

[21:56] ^BAP^B: Warned EpOs on #evy: Warning: You've triggered text flood (chars) protection, decrease your text legnth.
[21:56] Tcl error [::AllProtection::pubms textl]: can't read "offenders": no such variable
[21:56] ^BAP^B: Locked #evy due to Botnet text (chars) flood.
my channelinfo:

Code: Select all

Settings for static channel #evy:
Protect modes (chanmode): +tn
Idle Kick after (idle-kick): DON'T!
stopnethack: DON'T!
aop-delay: 5:30
revenge-mode: 0
ban-time: 120
exempt-time: 0
invite-time: 60
Other modes:
     -inactive       +statuslog      -secret         +shared
     -greet          +seen           +cycle          +dontkickops
     +protectops     -protectfriends -revenge        -revengebot
     -bitch          -autoop         -autovoice      -nodesynch
     +enforcebans    -dynamicbans    +userbans       -autohalfop
     -dynamicexempts +userexempts    -dynamicinvites +userinvites
User defined channel flags:
     -noseendata -quietseens -quietaiseens -nopubseens
     -nopubstats -quietstats -nostats
User defined channel strings:
ap:textl: {5:2 60 w:k:kb 3}
ap:textc: {215:3 120 w:k:kb 3}
ap:notcl: {1:3 120 w:k:kb 3}
ap:notcc: {200:3 180 w:k:kb 3}
ap:caps: {60:90 120 w:k:kb 3}
ap:repeatl: {3:10 60 w:k:kb 3}
ap:repeatc: {21 10 w:k:kb 3}
ap:codes: {r:35 b:80 u:80 c:80 90 w:k:kb 3}
ap:adv: {+ 10 v:w:k:kb 3}
ap:antispam: {- + 10 10}
ap:swear: {- 120 w:k:kb 3}
ap:ctcps: {2:30 180 k:kb 3}
ap:massd: {0:0 30 v 3}
ap:massk: {0:0 30 v 3}
ap:massb: {0:0 30 v 3}
ap:limit: 0
ap:cjoin: {3:2 10 kb 3}
ap:partmsgs: {0 120 kb 3}
ap:partmsgc: {r:0 b:0 u:0 c:0 30 kb 3}
ap:revdoor: {3 120 w:kb 2}
ap:nickf: {4:12 60 w:k:kb 3}
ap:clones: {8 20 w:kb 2}
ap:bnicks: {+ 10 w:kb 3}
ap:drones: {- 180 45 2}
ap:bidents: {- 120 kb 2}
ap:bchans: {- 90 kb 2 0}
ap:echans: {0 60 w:kb 2 0}
ap:bctcrs: {- 120 kb 2 0}
ap:ctcpchecks: VERSION
ap:btextl: {15:7 mR-k lines.flood 60}
ap:btextc: {550:3 mR-k chars.flood 60}
ap:bnotcl: {4:2 mR-k lines.flood 60}
ap:bnotcc: {500:3 mR-k chars.flood 60}
ap:bctcp: {4:60 mR-k ctcp.flood 60}
ap:massjoin: {9:3 mR-k join.flood 60}
ap:brevdoor: {5:3 mR-k revdoor.flood 60}
ap:bpartmsg: {5:3 mR-k partmsg.flood 60}
ap:bnickf: {5:30 mR-k nick.flood 60}
ap:bcodes: {0:0 mR-k codes.flood 5}
flood settings: chan ctcp join kick deop nick
number:           10    3    5    3    3    5
That way the channel was put into +mR and was not unlocked aigan...

Hope you can fix it. Thanks for all else; good work.[/code]
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Post by Sir_Fz »

TheConstructor wrote:

Code: Select all

[21:56] ^BAP^B: Warned EpOs on #evy: Warning: You've triggered text flood (chars) protection, decrease your text legnth.
[21:56] Tcl error [::AllProtection::pubms textl]: can't read "offenders": no such variable
[21:56] ^BAP^B: Locked #evy due to Botnet text (chars) flood.
I can't find a reason why this error appeared, however you'll have to show the output of '.set errorInfo' so I can see where exactly the error occurred.

Edit: I took a look at the script and found that this error may indeed occur (after my recent changes to the script). To prevent this error from happening again, replace:

Code: Select all

putlog "\002AP\002: Warned [join $offenders \002,\002] on $c: $wm"

Code: Select all

if {[info exists offenders]} { putlog "\002AP\002: Warned [join $offenders \002,\002] on $c: $wm" }
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Post by AskMe »

I have a little probleme with chanmode

i have a windrop 1.6.18 with allprotections4.6b7
running on undernet

this is my chan setting : Protect modes (chanmode): +stn-i

this is my allprotection setting : ap:massjoin: {3:60 rm join.flood 5}

and here the probleme :
Bot sets mode +mir
Bot sets mode -minrl
Where de +i is comming and why the -nl

the +l mode is a auto mode limiter of X (Cservice Bot)

and to be shure the probleme is not coming from other .tcl i have made a clean install and only runnning allprotection.tcl

sorry for my english i made my best ;)

thanks for your help
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Post by Sir_Fz »

That's because you have an invalid setting
{3:60 rm join.flood 5}
The bot tries to set +rmjoin.flood on the channel.

If you don't want to use the -k mode to display the lock reason (join.flood) then just use
{3:60 rm 5}
same for other settings.
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Post by AskMe »

wow fast answer ;)

it works thanks...

i was tinking the -k was for removing key mode ;)
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