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Post by romeo5k »

Alchera wrote:Change the order of loading; load dictcom.0.02d.tcl ahead of the tvrage.tcl script.
i did.. it seams that my is not what i neeeded.. as it shows above, its dictionary, and i dont think that what im supposed to have.... can u please guide me as to what im supposed to have... I doubt if its supposed to be the dictionary as the command window states.
Sorry for noob qestions, but im trying as hard as i can to read and understan what this dict stuff is on my own, and it isnt really clicking. I dont mind dloading a new dict tcl if thats whats required, i just need a direction of where and how to get it.. And i pray its a tcl.
Thanks for answer and suggestion.
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Post by rosc2112 »

Ok, I'm starting a new thread just for DICT, since people are so flippin clueless :P

If you had bothered reading this thread, back on page 9, and if you were using the latest version of tvrage I just announced not that many pages back, wherein I even put a pointer to the msg pertaining to dict and the status of tvrage.tcl in the error msg you get when you DON'T have dict installed, you'd know that dict is a TCL module, and you'd know where to download it, and how install it and if you're on a windoze platofrm and dict doesn't work, tough :P

I'm not supporting windoze, which breaks tcl and eggdrop because windoze sucks and isn't a posix compliant system and I DONT DO WINDOWZE <: If dict doesn't work for you under windoze, I suggest you at least install Cygwin and run your eggdrop in a unix-like environment.

Now, with that out of the way, You can find discussion about dict here:
I suggest further discussion about dict in particular go there.

Dict is here:

And the original announcement about dict and the status of this script is here:
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Post by rosc2112 »

Ohh and by the way, if you post screen shots instead of debug info, I'll simply blacklist your images and not load them, as they're pointless and lag my browser. Read the FAQ's and post the result of .set errorInfo like you're supposed to. And read the FAQs about how to get meaningful results from .set errorInfo if you're just getting a tcl error about not having .set and .tcl enabled.

## When reporting bugs, PLEASE include the .set errorInfo debug info!
## Read:
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Post by romeo5k »

dang dude.. no need to get all rowdy at me... U getting mad cause i don't know... sheessh.... So now i guess a person cant ask for help... U have to be a friggin genius to ask for help. I know u said that as polite as u can, but it doest take a sign to see that u raging at me. Which since u say what u say, to heck with it. Since it wont work on windows, thats all u had to say.. All that extra curricular %^*& u just said was irrelevant.
Thanks for your help BTW!
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Post by rosc2112 »

I didn't say it won't work under windows. I don't know if it does or does not. I said, I'm not supporting windoze :) I'm strictly a unix admin.

And yes, you're right, that was as polite as I could be, be glad it wasn't worse ;)
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Post by scr1pt »

im on new box,
ive installed tcl, tcldict
but still - [16:48] tvrage.tcl error: dict required.

what can be wrong?

ive tried almost everything
it worked perfectly on my previous box, where i also installed above mentioned packages
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Post by rosc2112 »

Does the script run? As mentioned previously, you can get the error message but the module still loads and the script still runs. If it's not loading, try debugging to figure out why its not loading.
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Post by GaveUp »

Different error. The "error" actually displays as a warning. This error indicates that dict is not found.
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Post by scr1pt »

error says dict not found
but it is installed
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Made it work with windrop

Post by ace0174 »


Just got it working with windrop. I had to manually install TCL in cygwin (following this: but i used the precompiled windrop instead of building my own.
Then installed dict using these binaries: ...
Just unpacked the files to cygwin/usr/local/lib/tcl8.4

Then finally got the latest version posted on the last page ( and it is running smooth now. I'm having some trouble with timezones but nothing serious.

Thx everyone for developing!
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Post by W00dyW00d »

Feature Request...

Anyway to make the line split, split by show and not right at the char limit or maybe set a max number of shows to list each line for the schedule?

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Post by rosc2112 »

You can split the output by using multiple lines in the theme file, eg:

Code: Select all

# Format of a schedule Line
set tvrage(scheduleLine) "PRIVMSG {%%chan%%} :{%%scheduleLine%%}\003
Notice the end quote " is after a carriage return. At least I recall that working for me when I experimented with various formats.
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Post by GaveUp »

Essentially what he is saying is he wants to split by show and not by space. This isn't easily implemented with the current code, if I recall correctly.
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Post by guest »

Just a suggestion

How about an option to add excluded shows
Like how the excluded networks are maybe add it so you
can add certain shows you do not care for to not display

Great script by the way thanks for all the hard work guys
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Post by REDLiNE1 »

Working Great
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