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Custom Flags??

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by HanoverFist »

First off i should mention im a n00b. I understand the basics of Eggdrop and wrote a few TCL scripts so far so i should be able to do this.

What im trying to do is setup a "User Defind" flag. My channel uses Half-OPs for it's team captains so i need to set them up for HalfOPs with something like the +H flag. That way anyone with the +H flag gets HalfOPs. The .help says theres 26 user definable flags (A-Z) but i cant find anywhere howto set them up. Do i need to write a script or what?? Any ideas??

Thanx in advance for any help.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HanoverFist on 2002-05-29 01:43 ]</font>

Post by HanoverFist »

Ok i found the setudef command :razz:
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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

The setudef command is not related to user flag what so ever.

User defined flags for users can just be used.


.chattr ppslim +H
ppslim now has the +H flag

to triiger a bind for this flag
bind pub H "!opme" pub:H:opme

When ever ppslim says !opme in a channel, the bind is triggered.

The is no setup required. Just treat them as if they exist.

Post by HanoverFist »

Yeah i figured the setudef out....

Ok i got the H flag to work for a "PUB" trigger but it wont trigger on a JOIN. Any reason it wouldnt??

heres what i have...


proc halfop_kir {nick uhost hand chan} {
putserv "MODE $chan +h $nick"

bind join H * halfop_kir


I've setup sum messages in the proc to test if it's even activating and it doesnt. If i set the flag trigger to * it does though. Im totally confused LOL. Thanx for your help so far, you did confirm what i thought and appreciate any further help you can supply.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HanoverFist on 2002-05-29 10:34 ]</font>
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Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

Have you given the user global +H or channel +H.

Thi will make all the differance when it come to activating the bind.

Try changing the H in the bind to H|H.

If that fails to work, I can only asume there is a bug in eggdrop.

Post by HanoverFist »

I got it working. Actually it just started working on it's own after i went to bed. Guess it just didnt like me or something.
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri May 17, 2002 8:00 pm

Post by craze »

Nothing like a good nights sleep :grin:
| G.A.Halle (Read error: EOF from signature)