Hi. Im running a channel where all users gets OP on join. Im currently running "smallprotect.tcl" from the archive. I just have 1 problem with it. It only bans the nick! I want it to ban the hostmask, like most antitake scripts would do. Ill show you guys the script, and hope that somebody will tell me how to change the way the bot bans
# smallprotect v1.00b [April 2006]
# Copyright (C) superior <superior_@gmx.net>, www.sunslayer.org or #superior!
# Optimized for Quakenet
# 1) If you find any Bugs or Errors please report them to me!
# 1a) You're allowed to use any parts of this Script in your own Script.
# Description:
# This Script can be used to support your Anti Take Script or
# to optimize your Channelmanagement.
# The Script reacts to Channelactions like KICK, BAN, DEOP, OP -
# Just edit the settings and rehash the Bot.
# Last updated:
# -none-
# Its important to give L/Q enough rights in the Bots Userlist, so they are allowed
# to do all Actions which you want to control.
########## Please Edit below ##########
############# Mode +o #################
## Who is allowed to op?
set op_allowed "mb"
## What happend if someone op, who isn't allowed?
## 0 = Nothing
## 1 = Deop the User, Reset his Action
## 2 = Kick the User, Reset his Action
## 3 = Ban the User, Reset his Action
set op_revenge "0"
## If you choose "3" before, how long the ban should last?
set op_ban_time "10"
## Should the Bot remove all Userflags on Q/L
## 1 = Yes
## 2 = No
set op_revenge_service "2"
## Choose which Flags should be removed.
## If your Bot has Master its usefull to choose "ao" - if he has Owner its usefull to choose "amo"
set op_revenge_flags "ao"
## Set the Message, which will send to the unauthorized User
## Please enter a Message, or leave blank
set op_message "You're not allowed to OP people here."
############# Mode -o #################
## Please Configure
set deop_allowed "mb"
set deop_revenge "3"
set deop_ban_time "10"
set deop_revenge_service "2"
set deop_revenge_flags "ao"
set deop_message "You're not allowed to DEOP people here"
############# Mode +b #################
## Please Configure
set ban_allowed "mb"
set ban_revenge "3"
set ban_ban_time "10"
set ban_revenge_service "2"
set ban_revenge_flags "ao"
set ban_message "You're not allowed to BAN people here"
############## Kick ##################
## Please Configure
set kick_allowed "mb"
set kick_revenge "3"
set kick_ban_time "10"
set kick_revenge_service "2"
set kick_revenge_flags "ao"
set kick_message "You're not allowed to KICK people here"
########## Don't Edit below ###########
#### global ####
set ver "1.00b"
#### bind #####
bind mode - * user:mode
bind kick - * user:kick
#### proc ####
proc user:kick { nick uhost hand chan victim why } {
global botnick kick_allowed kick_revenge kick_revenge_service kick_ban_time kick_message kick_revenge_flags
if { $botnick == $nick || [matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] $kick_allowed $chan] == 1 } { return 0 }
set chanservice "0"
if { $kick_revenge_service == 1 } {
if {[onchan L $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "L" }
if {[onchan Q $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "Q" }
if { $chanservice != 0 } {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chanservice :CHANLEV $chan $nick -$kick_revenge_flags" -next
if { $kick_revenge == 1 } {
putquick "mode $chan -o $nick"
if { $kick_revenge == 2 } {
putquick "kick $chan $nick"
if { $kick_revenge == 3 } {
putquick "mode $chan +b $nick"
putquick "kick $chan $nick"
newchanban $chan $nick $victim Banned $kick_ban_time
if { $kick_message != "" } { putserv "notice $nick :$kick_message" }
proc user:mode { nick uhost hand chan mode victim } {
global botnick ban_allowed op_allowed deop_allowed ban_revenge op_revenge deop_revenge
global ban_revenge_service op_revenge_service deop_revenge_service
global ban_revenge_flags op_revenge_flags deop_revenge_flags
global op_message deop_message ban_message
global op_ban_time deop_ban_time ban_ban_time
if { $mode == "+b" } {
set chanservice "0"
if { $botnick == $nick || [matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] $ban_allowed $chan] == 1 } { return 0 }
if { $ban_revenge_service == 1 } {
if {[onchan L $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "L" }
if {[onchan Q $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "Q" }
if { $chanservice != 0 } {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chanservice :CHANLEV $chan $nick -$ban_revenge_flags" -next
if { $ban_revenge == 1 } {
putquick "mode $chan -o $nick"
putserv "mode $chan -b $victim"
if { $ban_revenge == 2 } {
putquick "kick $chan $nick"
putserv "mode $chan -b $victim"
if { $ban_revenge == 3 } {
putquick "mode $chan +b $nick"
putquick "kick $chan $nick" -next
putserv "mode $chan -b $victim"
newchanban $chan $nick $victim Banned $ban_ban_time
if { $ban_message != "" } { putserv "notice $nick :$ban_message" }
if { $mode == "+o" } {
set chanservice "0"
if { $botnick == $nick || [matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] $op_allowed $chan] == 1 } { return 0 }
if { $op_revenge_service == 1 } {
if {[onchan L $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "L" }
if {[onchan Q $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "Q" }
if { $chanservice != 0 } {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chanservice :CHANLEV $chan $nick -$op_revenge_flags" -next
if { $op_revenge == 1 } {
putquick "mode $chan -o $nick"
putserv "mode $chan -o $victim"
if { $op_revenge == 2 } {
putquick "kick $chan $nick"
putserv "mode $chan -o $victim"
if { $op_revenge == 3 } {
putquick "mode $chan +b $nick"
putquick "kick $chan $nick"
putserv "mode $chan -o $victim"
newchanban $chan $nick $victim Banned $op_ban_time
if { $op_message != "" } { putserv "notice $nick :$op_message" }
if { $mode == "-o" } {
set chanservice "0"
if { $botnick == $nick || [matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] $op_allowed $chan] == 1 } { return 0 }
if { $deop_revenge_service == 1 } {
if {[onchan L $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "L" }
if {[onchan Q $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "Q" }
if { $chanservice != 0 } {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chanservice :CHANLEV $chan $nick -$deop_revenge_flags" -next
if { $deop_revenge == 1 } {
putquick "mode $chan -o $nick"
putserv "mode $chan +o $victim"
if { $deop_revenge == 2 } {
putquick "kick $chan $nick"
putserv "mode $chan +o $victim"
if { $deop_revenge == 3 } {
putquick "mode $chan +b $nick"
putquick "kick $chan $nick"
putserv "mode $chan +o $victim"
newchanban $chan $nick $victim Banned $deop_ban_time
if { $deop_message != "" } { putserv "notice $nick :$deop_message" }
putlog "smallprotect loaded - by superior - ver $ver"
replace $nick with *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]. (Note that [newchanban] is used several times in the script, so you need to replace $nick in all its occurrences).
Ok, Sir_Fz. I have changed a bit in the script. Insted of the bot noticing the offender then it now shows the text in the kick message. All i want to hear, is if its a 'good' change, or is it full of bugs? I've used "putkick" instead of putquick "kick" etc. Only reason for this, is that else i couldnt figure out how to get in the different kick reasons.
Here is the modified script: (which btw, works very good on a channel with 150 ops, which tries to takeover channel often) Im using it with melts_antitake.tcl.
# smallprotect v1.00b [April 2006]
# Copyright (C) superior <superior_@gmx.net>, www.sunslayer.org or #superior!
# Optimized for Quakenet
# 1) If you find any Bugs or Errors please report them to me!
# 1a) You're allowed to use any parts of this Script in your own Script.
# Description:
# This Script can be used to support your Anti Take Script or
# to optimize your Channelmanagement.
# The Script reacts to Channelactions like KICK, BAN, DEOP, OP -
# Just edit the settings and rehash the Bot.
# Last updated:
# -none-
# Its important to give L/Q enough rights in the Bots Userlist, so they are allowed
# to do all Actions which you want to control.
########## Please Edit below ##########
############# Mode +o #################
## Who is allowed to op?
set op_allowed "mbo"
## What happend if someone op, who isn't allowed?
## 0 = Nothing
## 1 = Deop the User, Reset his Action
## 2 = Kick the User, Reset his Action
## 3 = Ban the User, Reset his Action
set op_revenge "0"
## If you choose "3" before, how long the ban should last?
set op_ban_time "10"
## Should the Bot remove all Userflags on Q/L
## 1 = Yes
## 2 = No
set op_revenge_service "2"
## Choose which Flags should be removed.
## If your Bot has Master its usefull to choose "ao" - if he has Owner its usefull to choose "amo"
set op_revenge_flags "ao"
## Set the Message, which will send to the unauthorized User
## Please enter a Message, or leave blank
set op_message "You're not allowed to OP people in #Nosser"
############# Mode -o #################
## Please Configure
set deop_allowed "mb"
set deop_revenge "3"
set deop_ban_time "20"
set deop_revenge_service "2"
set deop_revenge_flags "ao"
set deop_message "You're not allowed to DEOP people in #Nosser"
############# Mode +b #################
## Please Configure
set ban_allowed "mb"
set ban_revenge "3"
set ban_ban_time "30"
set ban_revenge_service "2"
set ban_revenge_flags "ao"
set ban_message "You're not allowed to BAN people in #Nosser"
############## Kick ##################
## Please Configure
set kick_allowed "mb"
set kick_revenge "3"
set kick_ban_time "20"
set kick_revenge_service "2"
set kick_revenge_flags "ao"
set kick_message "You're not allowed to KICK in #Nosser"
########## Don't Edit below ###########
#### global ####
set ver "1.00b"
#### bind #####
bind mode - * user:mode
bind kick - * user:kick
#### proc ####
proc user:kick { nick uhost hand chan victim why } {
global botnick kick_allowed kick_revenge kick_revenge_service kick_ban_time kick_message kick_revenge_flags
if { $botnick == $nick || [matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] $kick_allowed $chan] == 1 } { return 0 }
set chanservice "0"
if { $kick_revenge_service == 1 } {
if {[onchan L $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "L" }
if {[onchan Q $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "Q" }
if { $chanservice != 0 } {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chanservice :CHANLEV $chan $nick -$kick_revenge_flags" -next
if { $kick_revenge == 1 } {
putquick "mode $chan -o $nick"
if { $kick_revenge == 2 } {
putkick $chan $nick "$kick_message"
if { $kick_revenge == 3 } {
putquick "mode $chan +b *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]"
putkick $chan $nick "$kick_message"
newchanban $chan *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1] $victim "$kick_message" $kick_ban_time
if { $kick_message != "" } { putserv "notice $nick :$kick_message" }
proc user:mode { nick uhost hand chan mode victim } {
global botnick ban_allowed op_allowed deop_allowed ban_revenge op_revenge deop_revenge
global ban_revenge_service op_revenge_service deop_revenge_service
global ban_revenge_flags op_revenge_flags deop_revenge_flags
global op_message deop_message ban_message
global op_ban_time deop_ban_time ban_ban_time
if { $mode == "+b" } {
set chanservice "0"
if { $botnick == $nick || [matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] $ban_allowed $chan] == 1 } { return 0 }
if { $ban_revenge_service == 1 } {
if {[onchan L $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "L" }
if {[onchan Q $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "Q" }
if { $chanservice != 0 } {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chanservice :CHANLEV $chan $nick -$ban_revenge_flags" -next
if { $ban_revenge == 1 } {
putquick "mode $chan -o $nick"
putserv "mode $chan -b $victim"
if { $ban_revenge == 2 } {
putkick $chan $nick "$ban_message"
putserv "mode $chan -b $victim"
if { $ban_revenge == 3 } {
putquick "mode $chan +b *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]"
putkick $chan $nick "$ban_message" -next
putserv "mode $chan -b $victim"
newchanban $chan *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1] $victim "$ban_message" $ban_ban_time
if { $mode == "+o" } {
set chanservice "0"
if { $botnick == $nick || [matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] $op_allowed $chan] == 1 } { return 0 }
if { $op_revenge_service == 1 } {
if {[onchan L $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "L" }
if {[onchan Q $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "Q" }
if { $chanservice != 0 } {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chanservice :CHANLEV $chan $nick -$op_revenge_flags" -next
if { $op_revenge == 1 } {
putquick "mode $chan -o $nick"
putserv "mode $chan -o $victim"
if { $op_revenge == 2 } {
putkick $chan $nick "$op_message"
putserv "mode $chan -o $victim"
if { $op_revenge == 3 } {
putquick "mode $chan +b *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]"
putkick $chan $nick "$op_message"
putserv "mode $chan -o $victim"
newchanban $chan *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1] $victim "$op_message" $op_ban_time
if { $mode == "-o" } {
set chanservice "0"
if { $botnick == $nick || [matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] $op_allowed $chan] == 1 } { return 0 }
if { $deop_revenge_service == 1 } {
if {[onchan L $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "L" }
if {[onchan Q $chan] == 1} { set chanservice "Q" }
if { $chanservice != 0 } {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chanservice :CHANLEV $chan $nick -$deop_revenge_flags" -next
if { $deop_revenge == 1 } {
putquick "mode $chan -o $nick"
putserv "mode $chan +o $victim"
if { $deop_revenge == 2 } {
putkick $chan $nick "$deop_message"
putserv "mode $chan +o $victim"
if { $deop_revenge == 3 } {
putquick "mode $chan +b *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]"
putkick $chan $nick "$deop_message"
putserv "mode $chan +o $victim"
newchanban $chan *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1] $victim "$deop_message" $deop_ban_time
putlog "smallprotect loaded - by superior - ver $ver"