TCL needed to make the bot change his nicks to specific nicks on
( Pvt and notice and ctcp flood to the bot. (not to the chan) and ignores all pvt/notices/ctcps floods for 60secs. then regain his nick. if possible.
It's mostly to get floodbots gets access flood or lagged if they try to flood the eggdropnick
the eggdrop changes nick and it ignores all kind of pvt msg/notice/ctcp floods.
If not that above tcl then pls a small tcl to ignore all *!*@*.* On any pvt msg/notices/ctcps sent to the eggdrop
on 2 ctcps or on 2 msg or on 2 notices within 5secs to the eggdrop (not channel) will ignore all kinds of pvts thingies for 60secs..thank you
using .+ignore command isnt recommended for stopping private flood from floobots, since it s gonna make the bot ignore also their flood in the channel. I think the silence command is better, since it s gonna make the server not send any information from the nick/host being silenced. It stops everthing private (msgs, notices, ctcps) but nothing public. So the bot can still see their flood in the channel and be able to react to stop that flood.
So in case of private flood by floodbots, u can use silence +*!*@* in ur script, or use in the partyline .dump silence +*!*@*
Them are not effective against very big floods. Silence ignore (irc server sided ignore, not just client side) is good. I don`t know any public silence ignore scripts and mine is is kinda bloated and works just for me.