Hi, i run stats.mod and i would like to know if there is any way one could make it so the bot ignores certain words? like i, a, lol etc. Any help on this matter will be greatly appreciated.
a workaround is easy to create, but I guess the main question is which stats module are you using? I am familiar with at least half a dozen different modules that essentially do the same thing.
Stats 1.3.3 are running on a windrop v1.6.18 with log-wordstats and livestats on.
p.s. Also I run megahal.version 8 on windrop v1.6.18 . Looking for a way to ignore !top10 lists that works well. I don't want to put the stats bot on ignore. A small example code or what not would be great. thanks. I also run pisg-0.71.
YooHoo wrote:a workaround is easy to create, but I guess the main question is which stats module are you using? I am familiar with at least half a dozen different modules that essentially do the same thing.
telling us the version number isn't exactly what I had in mind, pdq. There are many such scripts out there with very similar names. Which one do you have? That info is necessary to answer your question.