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Need -T to DCC Chat

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Need -T to DCC Chat

Post by Hesham »

Hello... The server forced mode +T on connect for all users.. I wanna force my eggdrop Now " already connected " to /mode -T+B

Maybe if you will tell me how to make it forever.. but step by step .. it will be cool :D .. but please i need a command via telnet to work it now.

Also.. Is there a public commands " console commands " list? where can i get it and if there's a speacial script for that.. where can i get the best one?

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Post by DragnLord »

in answer to your "commandline" part:

Code: Select all

.tcl putserv "mode $botnick -T+B"
you need to have the use of the .tcl command enabled in the conf
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Post by nml375 »

Use this if you wish to have it automated.

Code: Select all

bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server

proc evnt:init_server {type} {
  putquick "MODE $::botnick -T+B"
To simply send the mode-command from the partyline, use this (which does'nt require you to enable the .tcl-command):

Code: Select all

.dump MODE yourbot -T+B
Works for any other command you'd like to send to the server aswell.
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