# Logfile flags:
# b - information about bot linking and userfile sharing
# c - commands
# d - misc debug information
# h - raw share traffic
# j - joins, parts, quits, and netsplits on the channel
# k - kicks, bans, and mode changes on the channel
# m - private msgs, notices and ctcps to the bot
# o - misc info, errors, etc (IMPORTANT STUFF)
# p - public text on the channel
# r - raw incoming server traffic
# s - server connects, disconnects, and notices
# t - raw botnet traffic
# v - raw outgoing server traffic
# w - wallops (make sure the bot sets +w in init-server)
# x - file transfers and file-area commands
Most likely this is the reason why it won't log public chat (would mean you got a script loaded that has a pubm-binding, and improper return-value for the associate proc)Added support to MSGM, PUBM, NOTC, and WALL binds to support bound procs returning 1 to prevent logging of the trigger message text.
Code: Select all
incr csa([strftime "%H" [expr $u + $cs(timebalance) * 3600]]$c) $t
That just gives me more to wonder about. I'm new to eggdrop, so could someone please explain to me what to do so that my bot will log everything that happens in the console channel.nml375 wrote:http://www.eggheads.org/news/2006/04/03/32 might shed some light on it