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my errors in cloneflood.tcl v4.24.b by awyeah

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my errors in cloneflood.tcl v4.24.b by awyeah

Post by BrewMaster »

I am running cloneflood.tcl v424.b by awyeah on eggdrop 1.6.18

My setting:
[09:52] [LOADED] Mass Clone Join/Part and Revolving Door Protection v4.24.b by awyeah (
[09:52] ACTIVE: Mass Clone Join/Part and Revolving Door Protection is ENABLED on: #zzz
[09:52] --------------------------------------------------------
[09:52] --------------------------------------------------------
[09:52] Clone join protection: 3 or more joins in less than 4 seconds
[09:52] Clone part protection: 3 or more parts in less than 2 seconds
[09:52] Clone revolving door protection: 3 or more join/part cycles in less than 2 seconds
[09:52] Channel lock protection: Enabled
[09:52] Channel mode lock: +mR
[09:52] Channel lock notification: Disabled
[09:52] Channel operators exemption: Enabled
[09:52] Channel voices exemption: Enabled
[09:52] User flags exemption: Enabled
[09:52] User flags: mn|fbov
[09:52] Banmask type: *!*@host.domain
[09:52] Punishment type: Kick and ban all clones from the channel
[09:52] Ban time: 180 minutes
[09:52] Kick messages: Script defaults
[09:52] Kick counter: Disabled
[09:52] ------------------------------------------------------
[09:52] Flyby module: Enabled
[09:52] Maximum flyby time: 2 seconds
[09:52] Flyby part message length: Disabled
[09:52] ------------------------------------------------------
[09:52] Clone remover module: Disabled
[09:52] Maximum clones allowed: 2
[09:52] ------------------------------------------------------

I ran into the following errors during a recent flood:

First error: (repeated several times)
[07:55] Tcl error in script for 'timer16828':
[07:55] can't unset "clone_flyby(tfwldi: #zzzz)": no such element in array
[07:55] Tcl error in script for 'timer16831':
[07:55] can't unset "clone_flyby(zofvuk: #zzzz)": no such element in array
[07:55] Tcl error in script for 'timer16837':
[07:55] can't unset "clone_flyby(noflju: #zzzz)": no such element in array
[07:55] Warning: over maximum mode queue!
[07:55] Tcl error in script for 'timer16852':

Second error: (repeated several times)
[07:58] Tcl error [clone:join:flood:check]: wrong # args: should be "clone:join:flood:check nick uhost hand chan"

FYI...I am not sure why I got a max mode cue error, I have the modes set correctly according to the networks limit and I have a banlist flusher that flushes the channel banlist before it reaches full limit. I can only guess that the bot that was flushing the banlist was lagging behing the bot that was banning the clones. Or maby it was some other mode problem unrelated to channel banlist.
Any help would be appreciated. Please let me know if you need more info to resolve the errors.

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Post by Getodacul »

I use cloneflood.tcl on my eggdrop and i see sometimes that "Warning: over maximum mode queue! " With one rehash that will disapear. My problem was with that warning on modelock... (message on channel, notice or onotice). I disabled that option and working. With some settings that script have errors(deh... long code). Try to send an email to awyeah (that email is somewhere in that tcl). Or wait, maybe someone here know how(and have the time to look on that long code) to resolve your problem.
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Post by Alchera »

Getodacul wrote:Try to send an email to awyeah ...
The "e-mail" in that Tcl ( is non-existent (as with the "website").

I suggest Clone Detector by MC_8
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Post by BrewMaster »

I am using Clone detector by MC_8 on another bot and it works well.

I would still like to resolve the problems I am having in awyeah's script.

I should not have to rehash the bot to clear modelock. Although that does work, I can not sit around looking to rehash the bot all the time.
there must be a problem with my settings , or the script.

The clone_flyby portion of the script seams to be broken. I get the same errors on each flood.
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Post by Alchera »

BrewMaster wrote:I am using Clone detector by MC_8 on another bot and it works well.

I would still like to resolve the problems I am having in awyeah's script.
You're only hope actually is to connect to DALnet and wait for awyeah to connect (which isn't too often of late).
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Post by awyeah »

Yeah, I did overlook a few things actually, before the final release, mainly due to the size of the script. Anyway not to worry these errors aren't that major.

Replace this code in the script:

Code: Select all

proc clone:join:flood:check {nick uhost hand chan} {
 global clone_channels clone_modelock_switch clone_kick_type clone_kick_msg_type clone_exempt_hosts clone_channel_type clone_banmask_type
 global clone_exempt_hosts clone_exempt_flags clone_exempt_ops clone_exempt_voices clone_unresolved_ident clone_punishment_type clone_bantime
with this code:

Code: Select all

proc clone:join:flood:check {nick uhost hand type chan} {
 global clone_channels clone_modelock_switch clone_kick_type clone_kick_msg_type clone_exempt_hosts clone_channel_type clone_banmask_type
 global clone_exempt_hosts clone_exempt_flags clone_exempt_ops clone_exempt_voices clone_unresolved_ident clone_punishment_type clone_bantime
 if {![string equal -nocase "join" $type]} { return 1 }
Find this code:

Code: Select all

utimer $clone_flyby_time [list unset clone_flyby([string tolower $nick:$chan])]
and replace it with this:

Code: Select all

utimer $clone_flyby_time [list flyby:reset $nick $chan]
Finally add this procedure in an empty line in the script:

Code: Select all

proc flyby:reset {nick chan} {
 global clone_flyby
 if {[info exists clone_flyby([string tolower $nick:$chan])]} {
  unset clone_flyby([string tolower $nick:$chan])
Last edited by awyeah on Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:43 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by awyeah »

Alchera wrote:
Getodacul wrote:Try to send an email to awyeah ...
The "e-mail" in that Tcl ( is non-existent (as with the "website").

I suggest Clone Detector by MC_8
Yeah my domain dropped unfortunately and now is registered by someone else, hence my email address does not exist anymore. My new email address is:


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Post by awyeah »

The modelocks and the modelock notice? Hmm, okay I'll look into those and get back to you.

Seriously, the way I coded that script 2 years ago was my coding level back then. Now when I look at that script, it looks so blotty and over conjusted that I myself get confused while looking at the code from within those huge procs. :roll:
Last edited by awyeah on Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by BrewMaster »

Thanks awyeah!

I made the code changes and rehashed. No errors so far.
I will let you all know if i get any errors in the next flood I encounter.

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Post by BrewMaster »


all the previous errors are gone with that code update.
I am not sure if the modelock is gone yet because I have not had a large flood in a while.

There is a new error:

[12:20] Tcl error [clone:join:flood:check]: can't read "clone_exempt_nicks": no such variable

I do have a few nics set to exempt. Not sure if I really need this or not. I guess I could just turn that setting OFF.

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Post by awyeah »

Replace these lines:

Code: Select all

proc clone:join:flood:check {nick uhost hand type chan} {
 global clone_channels clone_modelock_switch clone_kick_type clone_kick_msg_type clone_exempt_hosts clone_channel_type clone_banmask_type
 global clone_exempt_hosts clone_exempt_flags clone_exempt_ops clone_exempt_voices clone_unresolved_ident clone_punishment_type clone_bantime
with these:

Code: Select all

proc clone:join:flood:check {nick uhost hand type chan} {
 global clone_channels clone_modelock_switch clone_kick_type clone_kick_msg_type clone_exempt_hosts
 global clone_channel_type clone_banmask_type clone_exempt_hosts clone_exempt_flags clone_exempt_ops
 global clone_exempt_nicks clone_exempt_voices clone_unresolved_ident clone_punishment_type clone_bantime
It should be fine now. :) Bummer.. I didn't know it had so many errors.
Well if there is a further error with the modelock, let me know.


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Post by BrewMaster »

Still having problems with mode que. I am going to try disabling the user messaging like getadacul did and see if that fixes it. Anyway here is the info cut from the bot:

[05:23] lamer kicked from #zz by MyBot: Banned: Excessive clones, msg me to reenter channel.
[05:23] Warning: over maximum mode queue!
[05:23] Warning: over maximum mode queue!
[05:23] Tcl error [clone:join:flood:check]: can't read "clone_exempt_masks": no such variable
[05:23] JOIN flood from zzz! Banning.
[05:23] #zzz: mode change '+b *!*@zzz' by MyBot!
[05:23] Warning: over maximum mode queue!
[05:23] #zzz: mode change '+b zzzz by MyBot!

Type of flood encountered:
mass clones joining and then leaving
the flood was an "lameruser has left #zzz (verry long left msg to flood the channel)" type of flood.
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Post by BrewMaster »

I forgot to mention this.

set clone_modelock_switch "0"

is set and I still had the errors.
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Post by awyeah »

Replace these lines in the script:

Code: Select all

proc clone:join:flood:check {nick uhost hand type chan} {
 global clone_channels clone_modelock_switch clone_kick_type clone_kick_msg_type clone_exempt_hosts clone_channel_type clone_banmask_type
 global clone_exempt_hosts clone_exempt_flags clone_exempt_ops clone_exempt_voices clone_unresolved_ident clone_punishment_type clone_bantime 
with these lines:

Code: Select all

proc clone:join:flood:check {nick uhost hand type chan} {
 global clone_channels clone_channel_type clone_unresolved_ident clone_exempt_flags clone_exempt_nicks
 global clone_exempt_masks clone_modelock_switch clone_punishment_type clone_banmask_type clone_bantime
Indeed this script is a very messy one, hence I am working on a newer version of this script (testing it now a days), from scratch, which doesn't have so complicated features and is very accurate.

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Post by awyeah »

BrewMaster wrote:I forgot to mention this.

set clone_modelock_switch "0"

is set and I still had the errors.
Actually the error you pasted above, wasn't because of the modelock thing, but actually I forgot to declare a variable $clone_exempt_masks as global in the procedure clone:join:flood:check.

Replacing "$clone_exempt_masks" with "$::clone_exempt_masks" everywhere in the script would do the trick, or the solution I posted above as well.

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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