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regexp - Help please

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regexp - Help please

Post by Wannabe »

Hey guys, im having problems with my regexp, it should technically work, but it refuses to, so ill give you what i have and see if anyone can spot my mistake/s for me :D


Current code : regexp -nocase -- {\[hostname\] => .+} $html hostname

Code im trying to parse

Code: Select all

    [nsserver] => Array
            [address] =>
            [hostname] => Wireplay UK NS [Classictastic][NS + FF on]
            [map] => ns_caged
            [gamedir] => ns
            [gamename] => NS v3.2.0
            [num_players] => 2
            [max_players] => 16
            [protocol] => 47
            [server_type] => d
            [server_os] => l
            [password] => 0
            [mod] => 1
            [mod_info] =>
            [mod_download] =>
            [mod_version] => 0
            [mod_size] => -709672960
            [mod_ssonly] => 9
            [mod_customdll] => 0

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Post by rosc2112 »

If you're trying to capture the hostname, you need something like:

regexp -nocase -- {\[hostname\] \=\> (.*?)\n} $html fullmatchvar hostname

You need to escape the = and >, you need to use () around the portion you want to capture into a var, and you need to use a "fullmatchvar" and "specific-match-var" (eg, hostname).. I assumed you wanted the entire string after => and so I used a newline \n to delimit the end point.

Check the manpage for re_syntax and regexp that comes with tcl for more details.
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