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AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)

Support & discussion of released scripts, and announcements of new releases.
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Post by samhain »

lappend ap:udefs {ap:notcl "1:3 2400 b 2"}
*** d1fferent sets mode: +l 11
-samha1n:#KoHaT- hi
*** X sets mode: +l 8
*** d1fferent sets mode: +r
((d1fferent): [22:32] AP: Locked #kohat due to Botnet notice (chars) flood.
((d1fferent): [22:32] -X ( Invalid ban duration. Your ban duration can be a maximum of 2400 hours.
still facing the same problem. I don't know why it sends 0 as a bantime even if you set 2400 as the bantime. or any other figure
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Post by Sir_Fz »

It does not send 0, it sends minutes/60 (i.e. that is converted to hours). No one else complained about such a problem, I can't help you with this. Perhaps another Undernet AllProtection user can help you with this :)
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Post by samhain »

yeah i really need to get rid of this problem..... but the strange thing is that the bantime is set to 2400 so even if it converts it to hours it should work but it doesn't place that ban.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Zircon uses my script on Undernet and he always reports bugs/errors/suggestions. He can help you with your problem. Send him a private message.
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Post by AskMe »

i need your help again...

i put your script on windrop and it work perfect...

now i have install it on eggdrop and have sone prob...

Code: Select all

[21:35] Tcl error [::AllProtection::ctcps caps]: Unknown channel setting.
[21:35] Tcl error [::AllProtection::ctcps repeatl]: Unknown channel setting.
[21:35] Tcl error [::AllProtection::ctcps textc]: Unknown channel setting.
[21:35] Tcl error [::AllProtection::ctcps textl]: Unknown channel setting
.set errorInfo

Code: Select all

Currently: Unknown channel setting.
Currently: while executing
Currently: "channel get $c $cg"
Currently: (procedure "vcg" line 5)
Currently: invoked from within
Currently: "vcg $chan ap:$flood"
Currently: (procedure "::AllProtection::pubms" line 3)
Currently: invoked from within
Currently: "::AllProtection::pubms textl $_pubm1 $_pubm2 $_pubm3 $_pubm4 $_pubm5"
i try .ap:reset * and still have the same result
Last edited by AskMe on Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

What Windrop version are you using?
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Post by Zircon »

Hello samhain

For me, it s fully working banning through X. And i just tested now again. I m having the same setting as you : ap:notcl: {1:3 2400 kb 2}

I sent a notice to the channel, here is the result :

-KickTesT:#Culture- (#Culture) test test test test test test test test test test
KickTesT kicked from #Culture by Anti-Flood: Notice not allowed. (1 lines in 0.0 secs) :: Banned 2400 minutes
#Culture: mode change '+b *!*' by X!

And on Cservice, i saw that ban with these info :
Duration : 1 days, 16:00:00 [40 hour(s)]
Reason : Notice not allowed. (1 lines in 0.0 secs) :: Banned 2400 minutes

So it s working. By the way, in the settings of AllProtection, the ban-time is expressed in minutes. Since u r specifying 2400, it means 2400 minutes = 40 hours = 1 day and 16 hours, u can see this info in the ban duration displayed by Cservice.

So my suggestion is to download again AllProtection, and not edit the settings related to ban-time and punishment. And instead of that, change all the settings via the partyline. U ll have more latitude. In the partyline, u can do like this :

.chanset #channel ap:notcl 1:3 2400 kb 2
Replace #channel by the name of ur channel, or just put * if u want to appy this setting to all ur channels. By the way, if you want to ban for 100 days, then it s : 2400 hours x 60 = 144000 minutes, and then :
.chanset #channel ap:notcl 1:3 14400 kb 2

Hope this will help
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Post by AskMe »

my windrop 1.6.18 (the script is ok)

my eggdrop 1.6.18 (and this is where the script give me the error)

i remove the bot from a chan and now i have this error

Code: Select all

[21:35] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins clones]: can't read "pwait": no such variable
[21:35] Tcl error [::AllProtection::core]: can't read "pwait": no such variable 
.set errorInfo

Code: Select all

Currently: can't read "pwait": no such variable
Currently: while executing
Currently: "if {[unixtime]-[lindex $pe 1] > $pwait} {unset ptrig($pn)} "
Currently: (procedure "::AllProtection::core" line 23)
Currently: invoked from within
Currently: "::AllProtection::core $_time1 $_time2 $_time3 $_time4 $_time5"
Tcl error [::AllProtection::core]: can't read "pwait": no such variable
variable pwait 10 (setting in the script)
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Post by samhain »

thanks Zircon.... I'll try that... :) thanks for your valueable suggestion
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Post by Zircon »

You are welcome samhain, and by the way, i went through ur copy of AllProtection. I noticed that all the ban-times you specified are 24. This wont work, coz ban-time are in minutes in AllProtection. Since 24 minutes is less than an hour, X cannot ban. The minimum duration for banning with X is 1 hour. So the minimum ban-time that u should use with AllProtection if you want to ban with X, is 60. Anything bigger than 60 will work.
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Post by samhain »

I tried 2400 too but it didn't work, but lets see what happens ;)
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Post by Sir_Fz »

AskMe wrote:my windrop 1.6.18 (the script is ok)

my eggdrop 1.6.18 (and this is where the script give me the error)

i remove the bot from a chan and now i have this error

Code: Select all

[21:35] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins clones]: can't read "pwait": no such variable
[21:35] Tcl error [::AllProtection::core]: can't read "pwait": no such variable 
.set errorInfo

Code: Select all

Currently: can't read "pwait": no such variable
Currently: while executing
Currently: "if {[unixtime]-[lindex $pe 1] > $pwait} {unset ptrig($pn)} "
Currently: (procedure "::AllProtection::core" line 23)
Currently: invoked from within
Currently: "::AllProtection::core $_time1 $_time2 $_time3 $_time4 $_time5"
Tcl error [::AllProtection::core]: can't read "pwait": no such variable
variable pwait 10 (setting in the script)
If it worked with windrop then there is no reason what so ever for it not to work on eggdrop. Download a fresh copy of the script, you must have something missing.
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Post by samhain »

thanks zircon for helping me the script works fine now....
I was wondering about

join-flood protection sometimes on undernet we face netsplits and the users joins again in shape of a flood most of the joinflood protection script have this problem thats why i do not enable that option.... do you think allprotection script has this problem too if users after netsplits join the channel in shape of a flood the script will ban those users and consider those users as a joinflood?
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Post by Zircon »

Hello samhain

To avoid this problem, i changed the variable "wait-split" in the config file. In your conf file, u have this :
# Set here the time (in seconds) to wait for someone to return from a netsplit
# (i.e. wasop will expire afterwards). Set this to 1500 on IRCnet since its
# nick delay stops after 30 minutes.
set wait-split 600
In this case, with thi value, if some users went in a split that last more than 600 sec (5 minutes), they may be counted in the join-flood when they will rejoin the channel. Since splits in undernet often last more than 5 minutes, i personnaly changed that value de 1800 sec ( 30 minutes).
set wait-split 1800
Now i dont have anymore false join-flood.
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Post by samhain »

ahh problem solved thanks Zircon ;)
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