One thing to consider if your making a new clone/flood script is not only join/part floods but "left" channel floods.
as in nickblahblah has left #somechannel (verry long left channel message)
I don't know the difference in server raw codes, but part and left channel are different in some way because the flood scripts are not catching this type of flood.
That is simple. You just check the length of a part message or if it contains specific words, and then ban that user accordingly.
Example for this script which you can use, use just need to set the length of the text. If the length of the part message text is greater than or equal to 25 (text length does not include spaces), then that person will be banned.
(*) Part is used when a user leaves a channel.
(*) Quit is used when a user disconnects from the server.
*** Left is just another word for part; displayed when a user leaves a channel (displayed on the IRC client, namely mIRC)
Channel limit tcl? I never thought I made one, but I use a modified version of slennox's channel limit script. The timers in his script are only limited to being called in minutes, I changed mine to seconds, so its faster and better (especially for larger channels where you need to check in seconds) and also a bit of code improvement here and there.
Facebook: (Jay Dee) PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
Thank you for clearing up the part/quit/left channel.
I would be very interested in the Channel limit tcl you modified. I tried to use the slennox one built into netbots but it dont work well for large high traffic channels.
I would also be interested in what type of netset.tcl settings are actually working in the large channels.