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AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)

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Post by Sir_Fz »

It worked for me using DCC. I can't help you more, you'll have to figure this out yourself.
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Post by Aut0Cr0ss »

works now .. thx for helping.. :)
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Post by Aut0Cr0ss »

i wanna disable mass kick protection thingy .. it should be .chanset #chan ap:massk 0:0 via DCC right ?

but it doesn't work !
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Post by Sir_Fz »

<kicks>:<seconds> <btime> <punishment> <btype>
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Post by silverboy »

eggdrop banning bnc's in the channel after net split :shock:

*** shinko has joined #facebook
*** Soviet has joined #facebook
*** * sets mode: +oo Soviet shinko
*** shinko sets mode: +l 11
*** shinko sets mode: +m
*** defaced was kicked by shinko (Join flood detected. (3 joins in 0.014 secs) :: [Fri Aug 10 14:46:17 2007] - Banned 120 minutes ·609·)
*** Pope was kicked by shinko (Join flood detected. (3 joins in 0.014 secs) :: [Fri Aug 10 14:46:17 2007] - Banned 120 minutes ·610·)
*** shinko sets mode: +bbbbb *!* *!* *!* *!* *!*
*** shinko sets mode: +bbbbbb *!* *!* *!* *!* *!* *!*
*** shinko was kicked by Silverb0y (Get the [censored] out mass moding lamer)
*** _Guru was kicked by shinko (Join flood detected. (3 joins in 0.014 secs) :: [Fri Aug 10 14:46:17 2007] - Banned 120 minutes ·611·)
*** Silverboy` sets mode: -bbbbbb *!* *!* *!* *!* *!* *!*
*** Silverboy` sets mode: -bbbbb *!* *!* *!* *!* *!*
*** Silverboy` sets mode: -m
*** [#facebook] Inviting shinko to channel...
*** shinko has joined #facebook
*** Silverboy` sets mode: +o shinko
proxyz..proxyz...i see everywher... O_o
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Post by Sir_Fz »

A solution would be increasing the wait-split variable in your eggdrop.conf.
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Post by [JoNi] »

Hy, i use allprotection4.6b7 and i found some problems with mass stuffs (mass deop, mass ban and mass kick).

(15:28:28) * Kiraly-Fi sets mode: +oo Tsudi zwamer
(15:28:29) * X sets mode: -ooo Tsudi zwamer Kiraly-Fi
(15:28:29) * simulator sets mode: +b *!*

The bot bans the services host. Somebody can help me ?
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Post by [JoNi] »

[JoNi] wrote:Hy, i use allprotection4.6b7 and i found some problems with mass stuffs (mass deop, mass ban and mass kick).

(15:28:28) * Kiraly-Fi sets mode: +oo Tsudi zwamer
(15:28:29) * X sets mode: -ooo Tsudi zwamer Kiraly-Fi
(15:28:29) * simulator sets mode: +b *!*

The bot bans the services host. Somebody can help me ?
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Post by Alchera »

Create a user adding '*!*' for the host and giving it global 'f' flag?
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by [JoNi] »

Alchera wrote:Create a user adding '*!*' for the host and giving it global 'f' flag?
Ok, thx.
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Post by [JoNi] »

Another question... I need a tcl for ban protection what do this:

- if the bot is banned out from chan via X
- he (the bot) check if his access enough to unban himself
- if his access level higher or equal with that ban level
- he unban himself
- if lower he do nothing

where can i download a same tcl or somebody have one ?
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Post by Aut0Cr0ss »

Am still can't disable mass kick protection thingy .. I tried to add ops to the bot .. But it didn't work .. It still kickin the ops when anyone do mass kick.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

[JoNi] wrote:Another question... I need a tcl for ban protection what do this:

- if the bot is banned out from chan via X
- he (the bot) check if his access enough to unban himself
- if his access level higher or equal with that ban level
- he unban himself
- if lower he do nothing

where can i download a same tcl or somebody have one ?
Take this to the Scripts Request forum.
Aut0Cr0ss wrote:Am still can't disable mass kick protection thingy .. I tried to add ops to the bot .. But it didn't work .. It still kickin the ops when anyone do mass kick.
That's because you probably have the flood-kick setting enabled (which is an Eggdrop built-in protection and has nothing to do with AllProtection). Otherwise, the proper way to disable has already been shown to you and here's an example:
0:0 30 k:kb 2
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Post by lindell »

Does this script work with windrop? cuz i can't get it to work.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Yes, windrop1.6.18 and above. What do you mean by "I can't get it to work?"
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