The website I want the gold and silver price from is Now, One problem I realized with my script, is there is 2 occurances of Gold and Silver before the spot where I want to grab the data from. I want to use the data from the New York Stock market for it. Since I couldn't get this one to work, I didn't even attempt the second. I was hoping the same thing could be done, to grab data from ... rices.html and include the Price and change for Nymex Crude Future as well as Dated Brent spot.bind pubm - !metals get_metals
proc get_metals {nick uhost handle chan var} {
set query ""
set token [http::geturl $query]
set all [http::data $token]
regexp {Gold(.*)Silver} $all - gold
regexp {Silver(.*)Platinum} $all - silver
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Gold: Bid: [linex $gold 0] Ask: [lindex $gold 1]"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Silver: Bid: [linex $silver 0] Ask: [lindex $silver 1$
Thank you so much for any and all help!