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Bundesliga.tcl new script ?

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Bundesliga.tcl new script ?

Post by xbox-kult »


search a bundesliga script this script here not work (bundesliga.tcl)

I search a fix for this script or under script for germany live score script

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Re: Bundesliga.tcl new script ?

Post by Alchera »

xbox-kult wrote:Hello,

search a bundesliga script this script here not work (bundesliga.tcl)

I search a fix for this script or under script for germany live score script

Support for this script appears to have ceased. Have you searched the German Tcl script sites for an alternative?

May be try:
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by xbox-kult »


I look for already the whole Web have a live score on a side give it also script in ner beta a those do not want somehow not to however run because of ask I for actually would have one nevertheless only the stringers to adapt or however hear here rather on because I eh no notion zureden of it to have ^^ of it


EDIT This script is alternativ !

Code: Select all

#									#
# Bundesliga Live Ticker						#
# VERSION: 0.2 beta							#
#									#
#									#
#									#
#									#
# Dieses Bundesliga Live Ticker Script benutzt den HTML			#
# basierten Ticker von um überhaupt einen			#
# Live Ticker im IRC möglich zu machen.					#
#									#
#									#
# Um eine Liste der möglichen Befehle des Scriptes zu erhalten:		#
#									#
# /msg <botnick> bl hilfe						#
#									#
#									#
# Bitte bei der Konfiguration in dieser Datei auf die			#
# Kommentare achten!							#
#									#
#									#
#									#
# Wichtiges:								#
#									#
# Nach dem starten oder rehashen des Eggdrops wird der			#
# Ticker automatisch ausgeschaltet. Somit wird verhindert,		#
# das der Eggdrop ständig die Webseite abfragt, obwohl kein		#
# Bundesliga Spiel stattfindet.						#
#									#
#									#
#									#
# Falls ein Bug auftaucht, bitte eine Mail mit				#
# genauer Beschreibung an mich senden.					#
#									#
# Bei Kritik und Vorschlägen einfach Kontakt				#
# mit mir aufnehmen.							#
#									#
#									#
# Copyright © 2005 - 2006 CMF2000					#
#									#
#									#
# Kontakt:								#
#									#
# Web:						#
#									#
# Mail:						#
#									#
# IRC: #platinum					#
#									#

############## Konfiguration ##############

## Hier wird eingestellt, welche Bundesliga der Ticker abrufen soll.
## Beispiel: set bl "1" für die Erste Bundesliga
## 	     set bl "2" für die Zweite Bundesliga

set bl "1"

## Beispiel: Für einen Channel: set blchannels "#fussball"
## Beispiel: Für mehrere Channels: set blchannels "#fussball,#channel2,#channel3"
## Wichtig: Bei mehreren Channels nicht das Komma zwischen den einzelnen Channels vergessen!

set blchannels "#fussball"

## Hier wird in Sekunden eingestellt, in welchen Zeitabständen der Ticker arbeiten soll.
## Die Zeit sollte nicht zu gering gewählt werden, weil jedesmal die rp-online Webseite abgerufen wird.
## Also auch am besten den Ticker ausschalten, wenn kein Bundesliga Spiel stattfindet.
## Sinnvoll ist hier ein Wert zwischen 60 und 120 Sekunden.

set bltime "120"

############## AB HIER NICHTS ÄNDERN ##############

bind msg - bl bundesliga:msg

set blversion "0.2 beta"
set blfile "blticker.tmp"

set blticker "0"
file delete $blfile

proc bundesliga:msg { nick uhost hand txt } {
   global blticker blversion blfile botnick
   if { $txt == "hilfe" } {
        putserv "NOTICE $nick :Befehle (Botmaster):"
        putserv "NOTICE $nick :Ticker einschalten => /msg $botnick bl an"
        putserv "NOTICE $nick :Ticker ausschalten => /msg $botnick bl aus"
    	putserv "NOTICE $nick :--"
  	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Befehle (Public):"
  	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Ticker Hilfe (diese hier) => /msg $botnick bl hilfe"
  	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Ticker Version => /msg $botnick bl version"
   	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Ticker Status => /msg $botnick bl status"
   	putserv "NOTICE $nick :-"
   	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Spielstände anzeigen => /msg $botnick bl spielstand"
   if { [matchattr [finduser *!$uhost] m] } {
   	if { $txt == "an" } {
   	     if { $blticker == "0" } {
   	     	  set blticker "1"
   	     	  putserv "NOTICE $nick :Bundesliga Live Ticker wird eingeschaltet."
   	     	  utimer 5 bundesliga:ticker:start
   	     } else {
   	     	  putserv "NOTICE $nick :Bundesliga Live Ticker ist bereits eingeschaltet."
   	if { $txt == "aus" } {
   	     if { $blticker == "1" } {
   	     	  set blticker "0"
   	     	  file delete $blfile
   	     	  putserv "NOTICE $nick :Bundesliga Live Ticker wird ausgeschaltet."
   	     } else {
   	     	  putserv "NOTICE $nick :Bundesliga Live Ticker ist bereits ausgeschaltet."
   if { $txt == "version" } {
   	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Bundesliga Live Ticker $blversion ("
   if { $txt == "status" } {
   	if { $blticker == "1" } {
   	     putserv "NOTICE $nick :Bundesliga Live Ticker ist eingeschaltet."
   	} else {
   	     putserv "NOTICE $nick :Bundesliga Live Ticker ist ausgeschaltet."
   if { $txt == "spielstand" } {
      	if { [bundesliga:ticker $nick $txt] != "ok" } {
      	     putserv "NOTICE $nick :Bundesliga Live Ticker ist ausgeschaltet."

proc bundesliga:ticker:start { } {
   global bltime
   if { [bundesliga:ticker 0 0] == "ok" } {
   	utimer $bltime bundesliga:ticker:start

proc bundesliga:ticker { nick txt } {
   global bl blticker blversion blfile blchannels
   if { $blticker == "1" } {
   if [catch { socket 80 } sock] {
      	putlog "Bundesliga Live Ticker $blversion - Keine Verbindung zum Server."
      	set blticker "0"
      	file delete $blfile
      	return 0
   if { $txt != "spielstand" } {
   	if { [file exists $blfile] } {
   	     set bldat [open $blfile]
   	     set bllastline [gets $bldat]
   	     close $bldat
   	} else {
   	     set bllastline "0"
   set bldat [open $blfile w]
   set blwrite "0"
   set blline "0"
   set blstartline "0"
   if { $bl == "2" } {
   	set blurl "zweiteliga"
   	set blliga "Zweite"
   } else {
   	set blurl "bundesliga"
   	set blliga "Erste"
   puts $sock "GET$blurl/ticker.html HTTP/1.0"
   puts $sock "User-Agent: Bundesliga Live Ticker $blversion (Eggdrop/IRC)"
   puts $sock ""
   flush $sock
   while { [eof $sock] != 1 } {
   	   set text "[gets $sock]"
   	   regsub -all "<*/*td>" $text " " text
   	   regsub -all "<*/*i>" $text "" text
   	   regsub -all "<*/*p>" $text "" text
   	   regsub -all "<*/*b>" $text "" text
   	   regsub -all "<*/*B>" $text "" text
   	   regsub -all "<*/*br>" $text "" text
   	   regsub -all "<br/>" $text "" text
   	   regsub -all "</tr>" $text "" text
   	   regsub -all "<hr>" $text "" text
   	   regsub -all {<td align="center">} $text " " text
   if { $txt == "spielstand" } {
   	if { [string match "<!-- ticker -->*" $text] == "1" } {
   	     close $sock
   	     return ok
   	if { [string match "<tr class=*" $text] == "1" } {
   	     putserv "NOTICE $nick :[string range $text [expr [string first ">" $text 0] +1] end]"
   } else {
   	if { [string match "<!-- /ticker -->" $text] == "1" } {
   	     close $bldat
	     close $sock
	     return ok
   	if { $blline == "1" } {
   	     set blwrite "1"
   	     set blline "2"
   	if { [string match "<!-- ticker -->*" $text] == "1" } {
   	     set blline "1"
   	     set blstartline "1"
   	} elseif { ([string match "Spiel:*" $text] == "1") || ([string match "Szenenwechsel:*" $text] == "1") } {
   	     set blline "1"
   	     set blwrite "0"
   	if { $blline == "1" } {
   	     if { $blstartline == "1" } {
   	     	  set blfirstline [string range $text [expr [string first "-->" $text 0] +3] end]
   	     } else {
   	     	  set blfirstline $text
   	if { ($blline == "2") && ($blstartline == "1") } {
   	      set bllastfirstline [string range $blfirstline [expr [string first ":" $blfirstline 0] +2] end]
   	      puts $bldat $bllastfirstline|$text
   	      set blhead "1"
   	      set blstartline "0"
   	if { $blwrite == "1" } {
   	     if { ($bllastline == $bldat) || ([string match "[string range $bllastline [expr [string first "|" $bllastline 0] +1] end]" $text] == "1") } {
		  close $bldat
		  close $sock
		  return ok
   	     if { $blhead == "1" } {
   	     	  putserv "PRIVMSG $blchannels :4Bundesliga Live Ticker ($blliga Liga):"
   	     	  set blhead "0"
   	     if { $blline == "0" } {
   	     	  putserv "PRIVMSG $blchannels :$text"
   	     if { $blline == "2" } {
   	     	  putserv "PRIVMSG $blchannels :$blfirstline"
   	     	  putserv "PRIVMSG $blchannels :$text"
   	     	  set blline "0"
   	     if { $bllastline == "0" } {
   	          close $bldat
	     	  close $sock
	          return ok

putlog "Bundesliga Live Ticker $blversion wird geladen..."
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:27 pm

Post by xbox-kult »

Can script be switched on if I spielstände of conditions to call up now would like get I the answer more liveticker is switched off can someone help there even if script is in German.
i read this script is don´t funktionaly weil url geändert

Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:27 pm

Post by xbox-kult »

Hello i can rss reader for live ticker ?

1 Bundesliga Germany

2 Bundesliga Germany

The Liveticker RSS is for the moment empty hopes at the incoming goods I to test can which rss readers/news feed reader for xml format it would recommend!

Also clearly if the feed should come is empty and/or an adjustment possibility of the time of the feed is queried because plays on Fridays SAM-sown and Sunday always directly to start and off option available to be for the manual start if times which different is

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