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Autovoice issues

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Autovoice issues

Post by jagular »

I am trying to configure an eggdrop to autovoice females in a channel. I have successfully set +autovoice using the .chanset command. My thinking was that i could add female nicks as users, using .+user <nick>, then .chattr <nick> +v <#channelname> to add the +v flag to the user. I expected that when these users entered the channel, they would be autovoiced by the eggdrop, but that is not happening? Is this a valid method to manage voicing of this nature? What am i missing?

Gurus... your help is greatly appreciated in advance :)
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Re: Autovoice issues

Post by TCL_no_TK »

The correct syntax for adding users is .+user <handle> <hostmask> and example of this is .+user Myfriend *!* If you do not add a hostmask then the bot will not know who the <handle> is or in the case of the example. The bot will not know who myfriend is. Please read the documents located in your eggdrop's directory named; doc/ i would recommend reading doc/USERS. All the documents available in the doc/ directory are available in html format, see the doc/html for your own copy or visit Eggheads and select your eggdrop version to read them online.
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