I've added these servers to my bot:
but these doesn't allow my bot. Perhaps it's due to the ident mask of the bot (eggdrop@
How can i change the ident@mask?
Please help me.
Well if the IP address is 'ident@' that usually means a problem with the shell and/or the way the bot is running BECAUSE of something to do with the shell. Has to do with the DNS lookup "i believe". As long as that keeps doing it they probably will not be able to join a server. Some of you experts slennox? ppslim? stdragon? (or any of the others)Can you confirm this?
no, the ip address is that because thats just what hybrid defaults to saying for full i/yline or k/d/gline messages. without the rest of the error message, there's no way to troubleshoot it
I have a problem very similar to that one too.. On two bots, one windrop, one on fbsd, I can only connect to prison.net. Both machines are on the same physical modem, but seperate ips. When the bot tries to connect to any other server..:
[09:32] #eggs# jump irc.easynews.com 6667
Jumping servers......
[09:32] Trying server irc.easynews.com:6667
[09:32] DNS resolved irc.easynews.com to
[09:32] net: connect! sock 5
[09:32] Connected to irc.easynews.com
[09:32] -NOTICE- *** Looking up your hostname...
[09:32] -NOTICE- *** Checking Ident
[09:32] -NOTICE- *** Found your hostname
[09:32] -NOTICE- *** Got Ident response
[09:32] NICK IN USE: Trying 'beast`'
[09:33] -ERROR from server- Closing Link: beast`[taint@] (Connection Timed Out)
[09:33] net: eof!(read) socket 5
[09:33] Disconnected from irc.easynews.com
The problem first occured with my windrop, then after the compile of 6.10 and my old 6.5, both did the same on the freebsd box. I was told that from the Closing Link: beast`[taint@255..] message, something is wrong with my routing or something. Thing is, I'm not behind a router or anything. The connect does not take a while, until after Nick in use. I also changed botnicks and it still timed out.. *grumble*
nothing is wrong with the routing. whats wrong is that either the dns lookup, or the ident lookup is taking a stupidly long time to complete. usually dns is the culprit, so i suggest you investigate that all the listed dns servers for ya forward and reverse domains (and all the servers above them in the tree) are working correctly
If that was directed to me, I have tried at least 3 local nameservers, and a few a bit out of my area, and there is no problem there. Everything else resolves fine..
If the servers are local, then yes, it will be fine, and pretty fast.
The issue is where the IRC server is located. That maybe where is is having the problem doing the resolving.
I doubt it is this problem anyway. When it says, got ident responce, and, got your hostname. These are notices from the server, via you connection that is currently there (which is then being cut off).
Try setting the username config file setting to the same as your shell login name.
If this fails, it is likly to be a closed server.
I you connect to the server, and are given a error, that is easy to understand. IE, server too full, banned for spam, nick flooder. This means that there is an matching I line for you, but there is also a ban in place on you.
On closed servers, you have to have a matching I line, else you can't connect. This is normaly the error given (As it is not a ban, there is no error message)
It ain't a closed I:line server. The error message given (Connection timed out), is very indicative of a laggy or dead primary DNS server (or a very lagged identd daemon).
The thing is, I can connect from both of these boxes (winxp and fbsd) using mirc/trillian and bitchx. My host is just a client.attbi, and nothing else is having a problem with connections. I'm just really confused why prison lets me on but no other server. Even tried a few diffrent idents. Identd from mirc, identd from trillian, and for the fbsd box I just run the standard identd, and still the same results. Even with no identd response, the connection just times out before the "Welcome" notice from the server.