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bot not responding to /msg OP pass

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by osx_rand »

this worked fine for months and months, then one day didn't anymore and i havn't been able to get it back to working.

nothing changed in the config file, the usre file has :

osx_rand - hjmnoptx

and then a list of my host's.

any ideas out there on why this would happen? i just updated to the latest bot but still no go.
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Post by DrTongue »

Are you able to join the party line? And if so have you tried op-ing yourself WHILE on the party line to see if there is an error message there? Also hope your not typing just "/msg OP pass" as your topic points out :wink:

Post by osx_rand »

yes i can join the party line, and when i try op'ing myself in there it comes back with the error that i'm not an op so the bot can't op me. i managed to get it to op me once from in there by doing a .chattr me +a but once that worked once it stopped.

and no i'm not sending the message like that:)
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Post by JingYou »

I had that problem before, its with the port number, try gettin a 5 digit port. If this doesn't fix ... change the ip addy..

Post by osx_rand »

which port, the bot's telnet port? and change which ip address? the one i'm trying to auth from or the bot's?

thanks for the reply tho, i like this bot and really want it to work properly =)

Post by osx_rand »

k, figured it out... well i figured out how to turn the problems off, not sure why they just showed up.

i use .chanset #mychan -revenge

for some reason taking that off worked... dunno why tho..

thanks for all your help
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Post by Petersen »

you prolly got yourself a +d flag for that chan...
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Post by Yourname »

But if he got +d for that channel, the +d will *still* remain even tho he turned off revenge. This means, that's not the problem.

Have you tried the EXACT thing? (just checking :smile:)

/msg bot op pass after you /msg bot ident?
Dormant egghead.