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eggdrop DCC sends do not send!

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Post by FreakyComputer »

I've got a problem, when my Bot initiates a DCC send, the recieving client sees that the bot is trying to send, but the sending fails, and then TimeOuts with a .dccstat I get this:

Code: Select all

<Botname> SOCK ADDR     PORT  NICK                             HOST              TYPE
<Botname> 13   DEADF00D  4178 Person                            irc               send  waited 20s
<Botname>     Filename: jing.mid
The only person it sends to is me, but the bot is on my local computer! It will not send to anyone else?! WHY?! :sad:

If anyone can anwer me, it would be helpful

I have got the transfer and filesys modules loaded!


Post by Searchig »

I have two questions. Is it a Windrop Bot? and Are you able to DCC to other people?
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Post by tainted »

Running any kind of firewall such as zone alarm or another?
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Post by JingYou »

Might be the flags given.. try double checkin it.
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Post by FreakyComputer »

Yes, it is a Windrop, and yes I am able to DCC to other people...

Nope, no firewall what so ever, direct connection to the internet!

The bot doesnt even want to send to other bot owners (including the x flag) so no prob with the flags.

So does anyone maybe know what is going on?

Thanks :smile:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: FreakyComputer on 2002-06-03 14:12 ]</font>
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Post by ppslim »

If this information is being presented in a .dccstat, than the flags are correct.

DCC connections (IE, chat, send, get, fserv, voice, video and any others connectons initiated under the guidance of the DCC protocol) are actualy made in reverse.

IE, I tell my client (IE, I tell mirc, or I tell my bot) to send a file to you.

The client then sends a CTCP message, with the filename, the size, my IP address, a port number, and a unique number.

Your client, then tries to make a outgoing connection to the IP and port supplied by my client.

There are a few problems that usualy cause this process to fail. The main one being the IP address.

As stated, my client sends it's IP address. It is this IP that your client will try to connect to, not the one as shown on IRC.

I am guessing (as 99.9% of others that have this problem are) you are on a internal network.

Try setting your external IP (if not behind a firewall/router, usualy that shown in your whois on IRC) in the eggdrop config file.

If this is not the case.

You stated you are not behind a firewall, but are you behind a router.
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Post by FreakyComputer »

First of all, thank you for your reply :smile:

Secondly, I have a DIRECT connection to the net, no firewalls, no routers etc... The only thing I DO have is that I get a vhost from the IRC server that i connect to (because it is a bot) so maybe I should not make my bot use the /vhost command on startup?!

And third, maybe I should wait until I finally get my account on the server's bot server.

Thanks again :smile:
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Post by stdragon »


You might want to try using the debug console flag (+d), and then watching exactly what eggdrop says when you try to send a file.

Oh, one more thing you can try... telnet to the port listed in .dccstat for the dcc send. From the bot's computer. If you're using a vhost, remember to telnet to the vhost, not localhost.

[user@botscomputer]$ telnet localhost 4178

[user@botscomputer]$ telnet 4178

Next try it from your own computer.
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Post by FreakyComputer »

I think you totally misunderstood me, I am running a WINDROP from my own computer, and what I meant by vhost, is that it is given to my by the IRCD, (IE. unreal ircd) so I just thought it could maybe be that, and also my bot does accept telnet connections, but will only DCC SEND to myself, and no one else... but DCC chat it does fine...

And regarding the other post, where does one set one's external IP, I must be blind or something, i use the COMPLETE conf file, please just tell me.. :razz:

The main thing is that I think it is because of windrop...

And when i run at +d it just tells me it is sending, and then times out!

Thanks Anyway :smile:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: FreakyComputer on 2002-06-05 15:17 ]</font>
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Post by stdragon »

Erm, it doesn't matter if it's windrop, that's just eggdrop running on windows :)

Also, when you had +d on, it should have told you what ip addresses and ports it was using. You should check the output on your client too, and make sure they match up.

Finally, the setting is called my-ip and it's on line 50 or so of the config file.
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Post by FreakyComputer »

Thanks to you all :smile: When I set the my-ip it worked! :smile: And now everything works, I am happy, the people from my channel are happy, and I guess my bot also happy now :razz:

Thanks again :smile:

Post by BigSmoke »

I am having a similar problem. I set up a WinDrop (latest version) on my home computer Running XP. It runs fine in all other respects. I opened an appropriate port range on both firewalls. Set the default-portrange on the bot and checked my Local Info to be sure it's getting the right info. I can DCC chat the bot. I can go into the .files module and browse. Others can download files. I can't. After "get filename.ext" I recv the dialogue window. I click on accept and then this happens.

[16:18] DCC Get of filename.ext from Nick incomplete (unable to connect)

Strange that others can get files and I can't.

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Post by ppslim »

You need to setup your IRC client so you can debug the incoming CTCP request that initiates the DCC send.

This sounds like a router issue, where the router can't perform loopback requests on your external IP.

There is nothign you can do to fix this, without breaking DCC sends for other users.

Besaides, why would you want to DCC send to yourself, when there are far better ways over your local network?

Post by BigSmoke »

Sorry. I should have made myself more clearer. I'm DCC connecting to the party line from a remote location. The network is not in my home.
