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banned words script [Solved]

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banned words script [Solved]

Post by jeremie »

I am amending my script to check for the banned words on actions.

I want to strip out the users name from the text and just check the rest of the text.

I tried using this :-

Code: Select all

foreach user [split [chanlist $chan] " "] {
    set found [string match -nocase *$user* $text]
    if {$found} {
      regsub -all -nocase -- $user $text [string tolower $user] text
which works on normal pubm but not action.

I also tried using these :-

Code: Select all

set text [string trim [string range $text $nick+1 e]]

Code: Select all

set text [string trim $text {$nick+1} e]

Code: Select all

set text [string trim $text [expr $nick+1] e]
and various combinations using both {} and [] tound the $nick+1 in each

All of the above codes came up with this return :-

bad index "whatever the action was": must be integer or end?-integer?

Can somebody please help me to solve this problem?
Last edited by jeremie on Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sir_Fz »


Code: Select all

regsub -nocase -all [list [join [chanlist $chan] |]] $text {} text
Edit: Added -all switch.
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Post by awyeah »

Just some piece of advice:

Code: Select all

set text [string trim [string range $text $nick+1 e]]
set text [string trim $text {$nick+1} e]
set text [string trim $text [expr $nick+1] e]
You cannot perform mathematrical operations on a string which is NOT AN INTEGER, such as $nick. Since IRCd's restrict nicks to be alphanumeric.

Hence you can only perform mathematical operations such as add, sub, mul, div etc on strings which are integers.


Code: Select all

if {[string is integer $mydata]} {
 set newtext [string range $text [expr $mydata+1] end]
And by bad index it refers, this should be:

Code: Select all

set text [string trim $text [expr $nick+1] e]

set text [string range $text [expr $nick+1] end]
set text [string range $text [expr $nick+1] end-1]
set text [string range $text [expr $nick+1] end-2]

set text [string trim $text e]
set text [string trimright $nick a]
set text [string trimleft $ident ~]
String trim is only for trimming certain words in a string, it cannot be used with indexes. See the tcl manual for string range for more help.
Last edited by awyeah on Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by jeremie »

Thank you Sir_Fz for your suggestion.

Thank you awyeah for the help you have given about strings I'm sure that will be very useful for future projects.

After thinking about the problem and remebering what I said in my first post about the code working in my normal pubm proc, the solution I have come up with is to just filter the action text in my action proc and then push it through to my pubm proc.

I have done a quick test on my script and it now seems to work correctly, I will test it with all the different variables then make it live on my bots.

Once again thank you both :)
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Re: banned words script [Solved]

Post by Sir_Fz »

jeremie wrote:

Code: Select all

foreach user [split [chanlist $chan] " "] {
    set found [string match -nocase *$user* $text]
    if {$found} {
      regsub -all -nocase -- $user $text [string tolower $user] text
This does not strip the nicknames from the message, instead it replaces the nicknames with their lower-case form. Not sure if that was your intention.
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Post by jeremie »

Yes sorry Sir_Fz I was testing so many different pieces of code and this is what I am using.

Code: Select all

foreach user [split [chanlist $chan] " "] {
    set found [string match -nocase *$user* $text]
    if {$found} {
      regsub -all -nocase -- $user $text "" text
If I used your sugestion of the regsub would it work better?

Code: Select all

regsub -nocase -all [list [join [chanlist $chan] |]] $text {} text

Would I just replace mine with yours or does your one line replace all my code?

Sorry if that's a dumb question but I am still learning.

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Post by Sir_Fz »

Yes, that line replaces your code (the foreach-statement). Give it a try.
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Post by jeremie »

Thank you Sir_Fz I tried it and it works.

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