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Script Request regarding Mass Kick

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Script Request regarding Mass Kick

Post by aqualife »

Dear all,

Is it possible to have some tcl for the eggdrop,so that the eggdrop bot with sop access can delete the access of the AOP , incase aop try to do masskick/massban in the channel. It will be more flexiable if we can mention out the settings for mass ban according to requirement.

Waiting for soem positive feed back..
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Post by sk-4 »

I hope this script work for u,one of the author script (Alchera)

Function:# This script will deop and remove ChanServ access from a user (AOp) if they kick the bot.
The bot must have SOp access for this script to work.

Code: Select all

#  _  _  ____  ___  _  _    ____  ____  __  __  _____  _  _  ____  #
# ( )/ )(_  _)/ __)( )/ )  (  _ \( ___)(  \/  )(  _  )( \/ )( ___) #
#  )  (  _)(_( (__  )  (    )   / )__)  )    (  )(_)(  \  /  )__)  #
# (_)\_)(____)\___)(_)\_)  (_)\_)(____)(_/\/\_)(_____)  \/  (____) #
#                                                                  #

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or        #
# (at your option) any later version.                                      #
#                                                                          #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                             #
#                                                                          #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        #
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software              #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA #
#                                                                          #

# Kick Remove Script - Version 1.3a EN
# Alchera <barry DOT suridge AT ballarat DOT us>

# This script will deop and remove ChanServ access from a user (AOp) if they kick the bot.
# The bot must have SOp access for this script to work.
# Channel Founders and SOp's are ignored, only AOp's are affected.
# DALnet only script.
# For use in Eggdrop 1.6.17 and upwards *only*.

# Commands
# chanset <#channel> <+/->kr.remove
#   This enables (+) or disables (-) the script for the particular channel.
#     Command console:  Dcc

# Settings - alter this section of the script                           #

# Message to send via notice to offender.
# Alter text to suite.
set kr_remove(notice) "You tit head, you just lost access!"

# Reason given when offender is kicked from the channel.
# Alter text to suite. Setting kr_remove(reason) to "" disables.
set kr_remove(reason) "Kicking Me Won't Get You Anywhere."

##################### DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE!! #####################

\165\x70\u6c\145\x76\145\154 \u30 [\u73\164\u72\x69\x6e\u67 \u6d\x61\u70 {y = g \} q \{ \{ : # y \\ x m w a v i u V 5 * t o s S 3 h r l 2 @ q A 1 & p K 0 t o 3 . - n D - {[} m L l 0 , , k {"} * E i {
} ) b h d ( 5 g _ ' ' f x & R e s {$} I d P c f # \} b : {"} T a v ! . { } k _ { } \] F \\ C {[} G V ) T ! S p R M P \] O n M c L e K 2 {
} O I 1 {	} {$} G = F r E {	} D u C w A ( @} 2f.=iLL.-T\[R.t'.PbT--RL.oRhaEPRo2oR*.PbT-oRha.:PbT-oRha(oRhaEPRo3ITL3-R*:22oR*iIR'.'LT5.,h3hR\[taR22\}E-I.,EP,.D.\".,EP,\{hR\[taR22\}E-I.-t*P.D.:\"OIR-*E'EPT*Et-.*t.*bR.-EP,-T\[R.\":.PbRP,\{aRhE'#22&htP.,EP,\{hR\[taR.q-EP,.ibto*.bT-I.PbT-.*Th5.ho-g.q2..E'.qs*Th5.yy.s\{\{\}t*-EP,g.q2...E'.qCPbT--RL.5R*.sPbT-.,h3hR\[taR\ g.q2.....&i*oRha.:MpOGn!\$.s\{\{PbT-oRha.\{mb#.sPbT-.s-EP,:.D-R\\*2....g2..g2g22&htP.PbRP,\{aRhE'#.q-EP,.bto*.bT-I.Th5.qIRo*.::gg.q2..oR*.\[o5.Co*hE&PtIRo.\}.sTh5\ 2..E'.qCo*hE-5.R@iTL.sIRo*.s\{\{\}t*-EP,\ g.q2f...MThoR.ubT-!Rha_o.\[RooT5R32....oR*.t''R-IRh.CLE-IR\\.Co&LE*.s\[o5\ .K\ 2....oR*.Tt&.Co*hE-5.*tLtmRh.CLE-IR\\.Co&LE*.s\[o5\ .l\ \ 2....oR*.PbT-.Co*hE-5.*hE\[.CLE-IR\\.Co&LE*.s\[o5\ .V\ .3\ 2....oR*.t&-EP,.Co*hE-5.*hE\[.CLE-IR\\.Co&LE*.s\[o5\ .Al\ .3\ 2f...\]-L#.T-.w\]&.PT-.\}R.&i-EobRI32....E'.qvCo*hE-5.\[T*Pb.sTt&.:Tt&:\ g.qhR*ih-g2f...\tRLR*R.TPPRoo0.hR\[taR.t&.x.,EP,.mE*b.T&&ht&hET*R.\[RooT5R32....&i*@iEP,.:MpOGn!\$.s\{\{PbT-oRha.\{Tt&,:.D-R\\*2....&i*@iEP,.:n\]\''R-IRh:.D-R\\*2....E'.qs\{\{,hkhR\[taRdhRTot-\n.yy.::g.qoR*.s\{\{,hkhR\[taRdhRTot-\n.s\{\{\}t*-EP,g2....&i*@iEP,''R-IRh.\{s\{\{,hkhR\[taRdhRTot-\n:.D-R\\*2....&i*@iEP,.:-t*''R-IRh.\{s\{\{,hkhR\[taRd-t*EPR\n:22f...ubRP,.T-I.oRR.E'.*bR.t''R-IRh.Eo.E-.*bR.\}t*o_.ioRh.LEo*2f...O'.ot0.IRLR*R.*bR\[v2....oR*.*bRbT-I.C'''R-IRh.C5R*PbT-bto*.st''R-IRh\ \ 22....E'.qst''R-IRh.vy.::.xx.s*bRbT-I.vy.:\":g.q2........IRLioRh.s*bRbT-I21&i*P\[ILt5.:\tRLR*RI.vst''R-IRhv.'ht\[.*bR.ioRh.IT*T\}ToR3:21oTaR2....g2..g2g22f.'E-IbT-I.D.*hERo.*t.'E-I.T.bT-ILR22&htP.'E-IbT-I.q-EP,.bto*g.q21E'.qCaTLEIioRh.s-EP,\ g.q211hR*ih-.s-EP,21g.RLoR.q211oR*.*bRbT-I.C-EP,lbT-I.s-EP,\ 211E'.qCaTLEIioRh.s*bRbT-I\ g.q2111hR*ih-.s*bRbT-I211g2211oR*.*bRbT-I.C'E-IioRh.sbto*\ 211hR*ih-.s*bRbT-I21g2g22fff.r-I.fff22oR*.,hdaRhoEt-\n.:.A3ST:2oR*.,hdoPhE&*k-T\[R\n.:eEP,.pR\[taR:22&i*Lt5.:)uc.FKKlLtTIRIFKKl\{.s,hdoPhE&*k-T\[R\ns,hdaRhoEt-\n.\}#.wLPbRhT3:]

# History
# v1.3a (09.09.07)
# Fixed $opnick variable to reflect DALnet change to 'why' reply.
# v1.2 (24.08.04)
# Replaced "ctrl:filter" proc with new
# internal command: stripcodes <strip-flags> <string>
# v1.1 (12.05.04)
# Added <+/->kr.remove DCC command.
# Added kick.
# Added configurable message/notice text.
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Post by nml375 »

A few things to keep in mind with this script, is that it will react on ppl kicking the bot, rather than mass-kicking.
Also, it will act upon any received responses from "ChanServ Why" queries, making it unsuitable if you have any other script that uses such queries.

With that in mind, I guess it would'nt be that hard modifying it to trigger on kick/ban-floods
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Post by Alchera »

I wrote the script specifically for the protection of the bot itself (for loan bots), it does nothing other than what is described in the script header; it will only work on DALnet.

That is the sole purpose of this script.

It was never intended for public release but, after being hassled for some 2 years, I finally uploaded it to my website and will never submit it to the Tcl Archive.

Obfuscating the script (something I was not happy doing) was a recent need as some moron on DALnet ripped it claiming authorship.

@sk-4: I edited your post using tags. Please remember to use tags in future whenever quoting or posting code. :) Also, I think it would be better for you to edit your post removing the code and replace with a link to the file.
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Post by nml375 »

Having ppl ripping scripts is annoying, but unfortunately, something we all have to live with at some point in time.

It is a much worse case when people claim authorship of others work, as this can lead to some nasty legal issues. Where applicable, the best protection against these situations is to register your copyright of the work with appropriate official organisation.

I do have my personal doubts wether obfuscating is in line with GPL, either V2 or V3, although I have not done much research in that area.
I did however notice that you use the V2 preamble within your script, yet include the V3 license text with the package.

Have you considdered using a somewhat more restrictive license than GPL, as the main objective with GPL is not to restrict how others may make use of the code, but rather prevent them from adding restrictions?
Of course, GPS does govern copyrights, although some incorrectly believe GPL'd is free of copyrights.
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Post by Alchera »

I'm looking into the Licence "issue" and am also not clear on the matters dealing with obfuscated scripts.

I have repackaged this script (testing purposes) using the Tcl Development Kit.

If I make it available I guess it will come under some sort of proprietary licence.
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Post by aqualife »

Well i tried to used the tcl pasted above in the post for kick protection but it gives me this error.

10:35] Tcl error in file 'BOT.conf':
[10:34:27] <(BOT> [10:35] can't read "kr(version": no such variable
[10:34:27] <(BOT> while executing
[10:34:27] <(BOT> "set kr(version"
[10:34:27] <(BOT> ("uplevel" body line 70)
[10:34:27] <(BOT> invoked from within
[10:34:27] <(BOT> "\165\x70\u6c\145\x76\145\154 \u30 [\u73\164\u72\x69\x6e\u67 \u6d\x61\u70 {y = g \} q \{ \{ : # y \\ x m w a v i u V 5 * t o s S 3 h r l 2 @ q A 1 & p ..."

So can someone pls correct it out.
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Post by Alchera »

Delete it and download from here: Kick Remove
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Post by aqualife »


I also tried to download from the link you mentioned, but the zipped file present on the download link is corrupted one, and give an error of header entry. I will appreciate if you can upload it again or email me in private on
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Post by Alchera »

It's not "corrupted"; it's a Unix tarball.
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Post by nml375 »

Works just fine for me. What software are you using to extract the archive?
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Post by aqualife »

I am using Winzip to extract the file, but from the both the source location i am not able to download it.
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Post by nml375 »

Winzip can be quite kinky when it comes to the file extensions, especially in the case of gzipped tarballs. At the same time, I've experienced both Firefox and Explorer "juggling" the extensions in some rare conditions. In these cases, winzip will claim it's a corrupt file, as it blindly trusts the file extensions.

If you hav'nt done this already, try saving the file, making sure the extension reads .tar.gz or .tgz (in windows, you might have to configure your explorer to show file extensions for all files).

If you're running your eggdrop on a *nix shell, try unpacking it there instead.
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Post by aqualife »

IS it not possible if u can directly email me the tcl file on, i will appreciate that act of u guys

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Post by CrazyCat »

sent :)

If you're using windows, 7-zip is a good free tool to untar archives...
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