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Tcl News (rud-news.tcl)

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Tcl News (rud-news.tcl)

Post by Robertus »

Hi guys, i have a little problem with this .tcl
i want the header when i write !news, for example:

<I> !news
<BOT> News1
<BOT> News2
<BOT> News3

And when i edit some NOTICE to PRIVMSG $chan, don't work, for example i edit putserv "NOTICE $nick : News Deleted!" in putserv "PRIVMSG $chan : News Deleted!", and i have this error (in dcc chat): Tcl error [::bc::onEncryptedText]: can't read "chan": no such variable.
(I use the blowcrypt in my eggdrop)
I want that when i addnews o delnews or other notice in the code, the bot write this in channel with privmsg $chan, and not in notice.

When i write !news in #mychannel2, the bot write the news #mychannel1,but it don't the show news in other channel...

And the last problem is, that when i write !news and there aren't news, the bot don't write in the channel.
I want thaht write: No News At The Moment.

this is the code:

Thank u so much for the support

Code: Select all

#  rud-news.tcl  #
#  Info  #
# webpage:
# !news script for displaying news in your irc channel(s), !addnews for easy adding
# security for adding either by host or by channel, and by user flags in the bind also
# the delay for displaying the news is configureable, and most output is configureable
# enjoy
#  Licence  #
# Feel free to do whatever with this script as long as I'm credited as original author
#  Changelog  #
# 2006-12-03 - 1.2
#  Added !delnews triggers, takes an integer for argument, 1 deleted the newest news, 2 the second newest, 3 the one after that and so on
#  Made some code changes to reuse some code, better for future updates :)
# 2006-11-30 - 1.1a
#   Added text to show if nothing is found while searching (threw an error in 1.1)
#   Added support for turning off the timed news announce
# 2006-11-28 - 1.1
#   Added search function, ie. !news affils , to get all news with "affils" in the somewhere
#   Added help text on !news help
# 2006-11-07 - 1.0.1
#   Added !addnews as a msg command
# 2006-11-06 - 1.0
#   Initial release, security settings not throughtly tested.
#  Config Settings  #

## file to store the news in ?
set news(file) ""

## space seperated list of channels to announce news in
set news(channels) "#mychannel1"

## set number of news to show when triggered by timer (consider anti-flood protection)
set news(showtimer) 10

## max number of news to show when triggered by !news (consider anti-flood protection)
set news(shownotice) 10

## how many news do we display by default in reply to !news
set news(noticedefault) 10

## how many news to show if the user is searching for something (usually just a few matches needed)
set news(searchdefault) 10

## from what channel are news allowed to be added and deleted (!addnews, !delnews)
set news(addchan) "#mychannel1"

## from what hosts are news allowed to be added ande deleted no matter channel
set news(addhosts) "*@*"

## what delay between the news in minutes (I like to have this at something odd so it moves every day), 0 disables timed announce
set news(timer) 0

## what delay in minutes from loading this script till it prints the news first time, 0 disables timed announce
set news(firstrun) 0

## headerstyle
set news(header) "MY NEWS"

## dateformat (default is: 06 Nov 03:20) for help
set news(dateformat) "%d·%b·%y - %H:%M:%S"

## linestyle, %time %user and %news are valid cookies
set news(line) "14(%time14): %news » 14(4%user14)"

## add news style, %user and %news are valid cookies
set news(addstyle) "News added by %user!"

## text to display if nothing is found while searching, %search for the search string
set news(nothingfound) "Nothing was found when searching for %search"

## help text
set news(help) {
!news usage:
!news [number] [search]
!news  - get a list of latest news
!news <number>  - get a list of <number> latest news
!news <search>  - get a list of latest news matching <search>, wildcards * and ?
!news <number> <search>  - get a list of <number> latest news matching <search>, wildcards * and ?

#  Bindings  #

# the o means that only users the bot recognize as op will be allowed to use the command
# set this to - to allow all users no matter the status in the bot to run the command

bind pub - !news rud:pub:news
bind pub o !addnews rud:pub:addnews
bind msg o !addnews rud:msg:addnews
bind pub o !delnews rud:pub:delnews
bind msg o !delnews rud:msg:delnews

#  No edit below here needed  #

set news(version) 1.2

proc rud:pub:news { nick uhost handle chan arg } {
        global news

        set fp [open $news(file) r]
        set data [split [read $fp] "\n"]
        close $fp

  if { $arg eq "help" } {
        foreach line [split $news(help) \n] {
                        if { [string trim $line] != "" } {
                      putserv "NOTICE $nick :$line"

        if { [string trim $arg] == "" } { 
                set numreplies $news(noticedefault)
  } elseif { [string is integer [set numreplies [lindex [split $arg] 0]]] } {
        if { $numreplies > $news(shownotice) } { 
                set numreplies $news(shownotice) 
                if { $numreplies > [llength $data] } { 
                        set numreplies [llength $data] 
                if { [llength [split $arg]] > 1 } { 
                        set searchstring [lrange [split $arg] 1 end]
        } elseif { [string is integer [set numreplies [lindex [split $arg] end]]] } {
        if { $numreplies > $news(shownotice) } { 
                set numreplies $news(shownotice) 
                if { $numreplies > [llength $data] } { 
                        set numreplies [llength $data] 
                if { [llength [split $arg]] > 1 } { 
                        set searchstring [lrange [split $arg] 0 end-1]
        } else {
                set numreplies $news(searchdefault)
                set searchstring $arg

  if { [info exists searchstring] } {
        foreach line $data {
                if { [string match -nocase "*$searchstring*" [lrange [split $line] 2 end]] } {
                        lappend newdata $line
        if { ![info exists newdata] } { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[string map [list "%search" $searchstring] $news(nothingfound)]" ; return }
        if { $numreplies > [llength $newdata] } { set numreplies [llength $newdata] }
        for { set i [expr [llength $newdata] -1] } { $i >= [expr [llength $newdata] - $numreplies] } { incr i -1 } {
                        set line [lindex $newdata $i]
                        if { $line != "" } { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[string map [list "%time" [clock format [lindex $line 0] -format $news(dateformat)] "%user" [lindex $line 1] "%news" [join [lrange $line 2 end]]] $news(line)]" }
  } else {
                for { set i [expr [llength $data] - 2] } { $i >= [expr [llength $data] - $numreplies - 1] } { incr i -1 } {
                        set line [lindex $data $i]
                        if { $line != "" } { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[string map [list "%time" [clock format [lindex $line 0] -format $news(dateformat)] "%user" [lindex $line 1] "%news" [join [lrange $line 2 end]]] $news(line)]" }

proc rud:msg:addnews { nick uhost handle arg } {
        global news

        foreach addhost [split $news(addhosts)] {
                if { [string match -nocase $addhost $uhost] } {
                        set adder 1;

        if { ![catch {onchan $nick $news(addchan)}] } {
                if { [onchan $nick $news(addchan)] } {
                        set adder 1;

        if { [llength $arg] == 0 } {
                putserv "NOTICE $nick :Usage: !addnews <news>"
                return 0

        if { [info exists adder] } {
                set fp [open $news(file) a]
                puts $fp "[clock seconds] $nick $arg"
                close $fp
                   foreach newschan [split $news(channels)] {
                        putserv "NOTICE $nick :[string map [list "%user" $nick "%news" $arg] $news(addstyle)]"

proc rud:pub:addnews { nick uhost handle chan arg } {
        rud:msg:addnews $nick $uhost $handle $arg

proc rud:msg:delnews { nick uhost handle arg  } {
        global news

        foreach addhost [split $news(addhosts)] {
                if { [string match -nocase $addhost $uhost] } {
                        set adder 1;

        if { ![catch { onchan $nick $news(addchan) }] } {
                if { [onchan $nick $news(addchan)] } {
                        set adder 1;

        if { [llength $arg] != 1 || ![string is integer $arg] } {
                putserv "NOTICE $nick : Usage: !delnews <number>, 1 is the lastest news added, 2 seconds latest etc."
                return 0

        if { [info exists adder] } {
                set fp [open $news(file) r]
                set data [split [read $fp] \n]
                close $fp
                set fp [open $news(file).new w]
                set line [expr [llength $data] - $arg - 1]
                for { set i 0 } { $i < [expr [llength $data]-1] } { incr i } {
                        if { $i == $line } {
                                set line [lrange [lindex $data $i] 2 end]
                        } else {
                                puts $fp [lindex $data $i]
                close $fp
                file rename -force $news(file).new $news(file)

             putserv "NOTICE $nick : News Deleted!"

proc rud:pub:delnews { nick uhost handle chan arg } {
        rud:msg:delnews $nick $uhost $handle $arg

proc rud:timer:news { arg } {
        global news 
        set fp [open $news(file) r]
        set data [split [read $fp] "\n"]
        close $fp

        foreach chan [split $news(channels)] {
                putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$news(header)"

        for { set i [expr [llength $data] - 2] } { $i >= [expr [llength $data] - $arg - 1] } { incr i -1 } {
                if { [lindex $data $i] != "" } {
                        set line [lindex $data $i]
                        set output [string map [list "%time" [clock format [lindex $line 0] -format $news(dateformat)] "%user" [lindex $line 1] "%news" [lrange $line 2 end]] $news(line)]
                        foreach chan [split $news(channels)] {
                                 putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$output" 

        timer $news(timer) { rud:timer:news $news(showtimer) }

if { ![string match *rud:timer:news* [utimers]] && ![string match *rud:timer:news* [timers]] && $news(firstrun) > 0 && $news(timer) > 0 } {
        timer $news(firstrun) { rud:timer:news $news(showtimer) }

if { ![file isfile $news(file)] } {
        set fp [open $news(file) w]
        close $fp

putlog "rud-news.tcl $news(version) by rudenstam loaded..."
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