Code: Select all
bind pub - "+cumulan" spidey:cumulan
# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
# aym mi korao hra ku zu gli ti gura bu upa yai gia tu kan guum yipa rur lia do zor qi wu omyr kil airu
proc spidey:cumulan { nick host hand chan text } {
if { [lindex [split $text] 0] == "-r" } {
} else {
set i 0
set output ""
foreach item [string range $text 0 end] {
set newchar [string map { "a" "aym" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "b" "mi" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "c" "korao" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "d" "hra" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "e" "ku" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "f" "zu" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "g" "gli" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "h" "ti" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "i" "gura" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "j" "bu" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "k" "upa" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "l" "yai" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "m" "gia" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "n" "tu" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "o" "kan" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "p" "guum" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "q" "yipa" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "r" "rur" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "s" "lia" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "t" "do" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "u" "zor" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "v" "qi" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "w" "wu" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "x" "omyr" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "y" "kil" } [string index $text $i]]
set newchar [string map { "z" "airu" } [string index $text $i]]
set output "$output$newchar"
incr i
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$text = $output"
But all it does is just delete some chars and only keeping the first several/one char in there. I dunno what's happening, so I came to the forums as a last result. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!