ok i did eggdrop -m eggdrop.conf
and i get this ****:
[18:52] * USER FILE NOT FOUND! (try './eggdrop -m eggdrop.conf' to make one)
iono ive ran windrops b4 and never got this problem is suck0rz
While making the eggdrop when it came to the:
"make install DEST=~/botdir" part, did you rename the '/botdir' to something else and THEN type it as ".eggdrop -m <what-ever-you-changed-it-to>" ?
DrTongue what are you talking about? What does bot's install dir have to do with the userfile and/or config file?
And besides, he has a windrop, so there is no compilation process, it's probably precompiled.
Yes masskilla, you are correct, I misunderstood about the 'user file' thing. I was incorrect......BUT it DID say "eggdrop" and not "windrop". I took his last statement as "he HAS been running windrops, but now is trying EGGdrops and has never gotten this error message before."
I had that lately too. The reason was a memory problem on the shell the bot is on. Not sure if it was the RAM or the Raid, but the support answered my mail and told they had a memory problem and well, when i got this mail I had no trouble with getting my bot there running.