This pack includes a french version AND an english version.
Ce pack inclut une version française ET une version anglaise (aide en français dans le script vf)
Short description:
Adds the following public commands : !quote !addquote !lastquote !randquote !findquote !quoteinfo !delquote (and a few other admin commands). Many features (automatic daily backup, antiflood, full multichannel support, ...).
Full Description:
This script adds the following commands:
- !addquote <quote>
- To add a quote.
- To display a quote.
- To display some informations about a given quote.
- To delete a quote.
- To display a random quote.
- To display the last quote.
- To look for a quote.
Put some quotation marks around your search arguments to look for an exact match.
Use the -all option to do a global search in every channel's databases OR specify a chan.
- To display some informations about a deleted quote (admin command)
- To restore a deleted quote (admin command)
- To delete a quote, even if you are not its author. (admin command)
- To cancel the latest stored quote (Does not leave any remains in the database). (admin command)
A directory named quotes.db will be created in the eggdrop's directory; it contains the quotes databases.
- - Full multichannel support; local or global searches with the !findquote command; you can specify a chan's name for most of the public commands.
- Automatic daily backup
- Individual flood protection (per command)
- Global flood protection (all commands)
Leave comments / bug reports here.