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Post by rosc2112 »

Care to post details? What did you do to break it?
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Post by LivingSouL »


I've tried my best to modify the script for this site but the bot didnt return any results:

Code: Select all

[23:22] <LivingSouL> .movies now
[23:22] <DavaoCurrentAffairs> Movies Now Playing:
[23:22] <DavaoCurrentAffairs> [End of Movies Now Playing]
I dont know if I did this right.. a help would be appreciated.. thanks

Code: Select all

        if {$command == "" || $command == "now"} {
                set regexm {<div id="nowshowing">.*?<td valign='top'>(.*?)</td>}

Code: Select all

                regsub -all {<a href.*?>} $moviedata {} moviedata
                regsub -all {</a>} $moviedata {} moviedata
                set movienames [regexp -all -inline {<div class='h1'>(.*?)</div>} $moviedata]
                regsub -all {<div class='h1'>.*?</div>} $movienames {} movienames
Could you guys help me? Thanks
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Post by rosc2112 »

Was it really necessary to double post?

If you're going to take my script and modify it, you'd best learn regexp. If you had asked me to make a script for that site, I might've been glad to do it. This just cheeses me off and makes me not so inclined to "help."

I've modified plenty of scripts when they were broken or lacked functionality, but I *DON'T* come here and ask for help modifying other peoples scripts (I learn to do it myself.)

Maybe I'm just being grumpy...
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Post by rosc2112 »

ge0x wrote:is it still working
not here
The website now redirects from to Just change the url in the script, then it'll work.

I've uploaded a fixed version to the archive and my link in the 1st post.

Sorry I didn't see this sooner =)
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v0.01d release

Post by rosc2112 »

Ahh, I spoke too soon. After actually looking at the data being returned, I had to do a little regexp fixin, so NOW it's all working again. :)
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