In the situation we are talkin about, we want to exempt ppl that arent users on the bot, so no chance they can have +h flag or any other kind of flags....They arent friends, we just want them to not be banned due to the inaccuracy of some proxies databases. So we want to exempt them only from being takin for proxies, but we still want to ban them if they make any other kind of +f isnt good at all ! is +h perfect ? nope, but acceptable in this situation. Is +H better, of course it is, that s what i said in a previous post if you read it.The issue is that some ppl may ask that eggdrop help-info is stripped of formatting characters (bold, underline, colors), while others may ask it to be left in there. This is exactly what the h-flag is used for, and when used as intended (and it is), would cause ambigious behaviour with your suggested modification. Having f-flag in the list does not cause that issue, since "f" is denoted as "friend" (exempt from various protective countermeasures).
but what if somebody wants to exempt a user who IS on the bot. what if that user doesnt want +h enabled. The point being made to you is that there are circumstances where using an uncommon flag as a quick fix when there are proper ways to go about it, is not the best policy. Though your right that +f probably shouldn't be used as it exempts them from all kinds of other stuff, using +h instead isn't much better.Zircon wrote:In the situation we are talkin about, we want to exempt ppl that arent users on the bot, so no chance they can have +h flag or any other kind of flags....They arent friends, we just want them to not be banned due to the inaccuracy of some proxies databases.
Code: Select all
set exempted-list [list "mask1" \
"mask2" \
foreach mask $::exempted-list {
if {[string match -nocase $mask $whattotest]} {
set exempted 1
if {[info exists exempted]} {
#found matching exempt
} {
#No exempts matched
@nml375 : i thought to exempt masks like this :is +h perfect ? nope, but acceptable in this situation. Is +H better, of course it is, that s what i said in a previous post if you read it.
Code: Select all
proc proxy::checkuser {nickname hostname handle channel} {
checkstats $channel
if {[channel get $channel antiproxy] && [botisop $channel] && ![string match ** $hostname] && ![matchattr $handle fomn|fomn $channel] && ![isbotnick $nickname]} {
channel set $channel antijoins "[expr [channel get $channel antijoins] + 1]"
regexp {.*\@(.*)} $hostname -> hostname
if [regexp {[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $hostname] {
[namespace current]::check $hostname $hostname 1 $nickname $hostname $channel
} else {
dnslookup $hostname [namespace current]::check $nickname $hostname $channel