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HL2 server list

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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HL2 server list

Post by Anthony »


Im looking for a script that will allow me to add my HL2 servers to it and people can then type !servers and they would recive a PM, with the server IP, amount of players on and the current map.


<bot>Server #1: 12/24 de_dust2
<bot>Server #2: 12/24 de_dust2

I was thinking the servers could be added to the bot either through PM, or even using some kind of text document on the server that it reads from.

I used to have a script like this but its for "rbot" so its coded in "ruby" (i think) but i think some protocols have been updated since then because its not working anymore :P.

If you think there might be somthing in that script that could help here i could post it.

Thanks for any help you can give me!

P.s. I realise this might take alot of time to do, so if anyone could recommend any scripts thats kind of like this, i could probaly workout how to edit them myself (i have basic TCL knowledge).

Thanks again for any help you can give me!

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Post by rosc2112 »

The first part of this request is simple, just a matter of using "puthelp" to show servers from a list. Showing users/map are a different matter tho, how would we obtain that information?

Maybe someday someone will actually post the specs for these servers so we can write scripts that communicate with the server.
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Post by Anthony »

Hi, thanks for your reply!

if its not possible to directly get the map/players do you think it would be possible to get the infomation from a website? E.g. I use this script called "lgsl" which basicly shows all the infomation i need but on a webpage (you can see example

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Post by rosc2112 »

Thats doable. Do you want the script to just use that webpage for data, rather than have a seperate list of servers in a text file?
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Post by Anthony »


Well i supose i could just use the webpage data now (its hosted on the same server as the bot will be, so me adding servers to it etc won't be a problem :P).

I only mensioned the text file idea because i thought you would need to store the servers somewhere if you was going to get the infomation directly.

Thanks again!

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Post by rosc2112 »

Give me a few days, been busy here this week.
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Post by Anthony »

OK thanks sooo much!
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Post by Wannabe »

Btw, since almost all the requests like this are for hl & hl:s based games, this should cover most of them

Although you will need UDP which means getting a UDP package for tcl.
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