on #services chan i have this output:
[02:10:29] <->Global> Client connecting: ^^AMANTEUS^^ (PAUL@c211-28-196-6.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au) (paul) [irc.myserver.net].
i want a tcl to put some specific ip's ex: *c211-28-196-6.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au* etc either in the same tcl or in an extra txt.
so when this client connecting and the bot reads the ex:*c211-28-196-6.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au* i have add in the tcl or txt the bot return the punishment either kill or kline.
there is no need to search the clients connecting etc only to read the "text words"i have add in the tcl or in txt.
the bot have ircop privileges.