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# ::sock::Connect <host> <port> ?options?
# Create a tcp connection and return the socket id or "" if it
# failed. A failure to create the socket most likely means the dns
# lookup failed. If you need the actual error message, it will be
# stored in $::sock::(error)
# Options:
# Anything that can be set via ::sock::Set (see below), plus
# '-myaddr <vhost>' and '-myport <local port>'
# ::sock::Listen <port> ?options?
# Like Connect, but for creating listening sockets
# All options listed under ::sock::Set can be set and are copied to
# incoming client connections except "timeout".
# The "onDisc" code will be executed if you set a timeout for the
# listening socket and let it time out.
# You can also specify a vhost using -myaddr <vhost>
# ::sock::Puts <sock> <data>
# Write data to a client socket.
# ::sock::Close <sock>
# Close a socket and clean up its mess
# (cancel timers and unset variables used to store options)
# ::sock::Set <sock> <option> <value>
# All options are stored untill the socket is closed. If the
# connection is closed by the remote host, they are deleted AFTER
# invoking the "onDisc" code.
# All options can be changed at any time, but the "onConn" code will
# only be evaluated once for each client socket, so changing it
# after the connection has been established has no effect.
# Options:
# mode <line|binary>
# affects how data is read/written
# timeout <milliseconds>
# If the time runs out, the onDisc callback will be executed
# before the socket is closed. The timer is killed before
# "onConn" is executed, so you'll have to set the timeout again
# from within your onConn code if you want it to keep running
# after that.
# onConn <code>
# This code is executed when a connection is established
# Appended arguments: the client socket id (and server socket id
# if it is a client connecting to a listening socket)
# onData <code>
# Invoked when data is recieved (set to {} if you don't expect
# to recieve any data)
# Appended arguments: the socket id and a chunk of data
# onDisc <code>
# Invoked when an error occurs or the connection is closed by
# the remote host or a timeout occurs.
# Appended arguments: the socket id and reason/error message.
# onAll <code>
# A shortcut to set all the other on* callbacks to call the same
# proc. The callback name (onConn, onData or onDisc) is appended
# as an argument if you provide an empty "code" part, the
# commands "onConn", "onData" and "onDisc" will be invoked in
# the global namespace.
# Reserved/custom options:
# Options starting with two underscore characters (__) are reserved
# for internal use - don't touch them!
# Options starting with a dash (-) will be passed to the "socket"
# command when creating the socket and then deleted.
# Feel free to invent your own options. (As long as they don't
# conflict with the reserved ones) This can come in handy if you
# need to store som data associated with the socket.
# ::sock::Get <sock> <option>
# Retrieve the value of the given option
# ::sock::Info <sock> <local|remote> <ip/host/port combinations>
# Retrieve local or remote host, ip and/or port
# Eg: ::sock::Info $sock local ip:port =>
# ::sock::Info $sock remote host => wiki.tcl.tk
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::sock {
variable ""
# default "Connect" options
set (connect) {
timeout 20000
mode line
onAll ::sock::Log
# default "Listen" options
set (listen) {
timeout 0
mode line
onAll ::sock::Log
lappend (listen) -myaddr [info host]
# the "public" procs
proc Connect {host port args} {
array set "" [concat $::sock::(connect) $args {__type client}]
set code [concat [list socket -async] [array get "" -*] [list $host $port]]
array unset "" -*
if {[catch $code sock]} {
set ::sock::(error) $sock
fconfigure $sock -blocking 0
fileevent $sock writable [list ::sock::__onConn $sock]
variable $sock
array set $sock {}
foreach key [lsort -dict [array names ""]] {
Set $sock $key $($key)
set sock
proc Listen {port args} {
set sid [incr ::sock::(sid)]
array set "" [concat $::sock::(listen) $args [list __type server __sid $sid]]
set code [list socket -server [list ::sock::__onListen $sid]]
eval lappend code [array get "" -*] [list $port]
array unset "" -*
if {[catch $code sock]} {
set ::sock(error) $sock
set ::sock::($sid) $sock
variable $sock
array set $sock {}
foreach key [lsort -dict [array names ""]] {
Set $sock $key $($key)
set sock
proc Puts {sock data} {
upvar #0 ::sock::$sock ""
if {$(mode)=="binary"} {
puts -nonewline $sock $data
} {
puts $sock $data
flush $sock
proc Close {sock} {
upvar #0 ::sock::$sock ""
if {[info exists (__after)]} {after cancel $(__after)}
if {$(__type)=="server"} {unset ::sock::($(__sid))}
close $sock
unset ""
proc Set {sock key val} {
upvar #0 ::sock::$sock ""
if {![array exists ""]} {error "invalid socket \"$sock\""}
switch -- $key {
"timeout" {
if {[info exists (__after)]} {
after cancel $(__after)
unset (__after)
if {$val>0} {
set (__after) [after $val [list ::sock::__onDisc $sock timeout]]
"mode" {
if {$(__type)=="client"} {
if {$val=="binary"} {
fconfigure $sock -buffering none -translation binary
} {
fconfigure $sock -buffering line -translation auto
"onData" {
if {$(__type)=="client"} {
if {$val=={}} {
fileevent $sock readable {}
} {
fileevent $sock readable [list ::sock::__onData $sock]
"onAll" {
Set $sock onConn [concat $val onConn]
Set $sock onData [concat $val onData]
Set $sock onDisc [concat $val onDisc]
set ($key) $val
proc Get {sock key} {
set ::sock::${sock}($key)
proc Info {sock where what} {
set where [string map {local -sockname remote -peername} $where]
foreach {ip host port} [fconfigure $sock $where] break
string map [list ip $ip host $host port $port] $what
# "private" procs
# (you should never have to invoke these yourself)
if {![info exists (sid)]} {set (sid) 0}
proc __onConn sock {
upvar #0 ::sock::$sock ""
if {[set err [fconfigure $sock -error]]!=""} {
__onDisc $sock $err
} {
fileevent $sock writable {}
__callback $(onConn) $sock
proc __onListen {sid csock chost cport} {
set ssock $::sock::($sid)
array set "" [array get ::sock::$ssock]
if {[info exists (__after)]} {unset (__after)}
set (__type) client
set (ssock) $ssock
fconfigure $csock -blocking 0
variable $csock
array set $csock {}
foreach key [lsort -dict [array names ""]] {
Set $csock $key $($key)
__callback $(onConn) $csock $ssock
proc __onDisc {sock why} {
upvar #0 ::sock::$sock ""
__callback $(onDisc) $sock $why
if {[info exists (__after)]} {after cancel $(__after)}
close $sock
unset ""
proc __onData sock {
upvar #0 ::sock::$sock ""
if {$(mode)=="binary"} {
set code {![fblocked $sock]&&[set data [read $sock]]!=""}
} {
set code {[gets $sock data]>0}
if {[catch {while $code {__callback $(onData) $sock $data}} err]} {
__onDisc $sock $err
} elseif {[eof $sock]} {
__onDisc $sock EOF
} elseif {[set err [fconfigure $sock -error]]!=""} {
__onDisc $sock $err
proc __callback {code args} {
if {[catch {uplevel #0 [concat $code $args]} err]} {
Log "Error executing callback: $err"
if {[llength [info commands putlog]]} {
proc Log args {putlog "::sock: [join $args ", "]"}
} {
proc Log args {puts "::sock: [join $args ", "]"}