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Can someone help me with this script?

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by galaxyboy »

bind sign p|p * sign_deauth

proc sign_deauth {nick uhost hand chan text quit} {
global botnick quit ; if {![matchattr $hand Q]} {return 0}
chattr $hand -Q ; putlog "$hand has left IRC." ; return 0

This part of the script suppose to auto deauth users on quit/offline. But it doesn't seems to work. can anyone help? Thanks :smile:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: galaxyboy on 2001-10-18 22:54 ]</font>
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Post by stdragon »

I have three questions. First, why do you have "global botnick quit" there, since neither of those variables are used? Second, why are you cramming all the stuff on so few lines? Third, what is the error or how is it not working?

I also have one suggestion. Try binding to Q instead of p|p... then you don't even need the matchattr.
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Post by ppslim »

The error will be about being called with too few arguments.

try the following

Code: Select all

bind sign Q * sign_deauth
proc sign_deauth {nick uhost hand chan text} {
  chattr $hand -Q
  putlog "$hand has left IRC."
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ppslim on 2001-10-19 07:31 ]</font>