if you type whois bbc.com you will get

pobunjeni wrote:speechles can you add new feature that google recently implement, whois for domains
if you type whois bbc.com you will get
As demonstrated, you can already do this. The problem that comes up is most of these "onebox" additions work only on the .com server (not a limitation of this script, a limitation of google, blame them). So if you've set your default to other than "com", simply reference it in your whois query and it will work "!g .com whois site.here"<speechles> !g .com whois bbc.com
<sp33chy> 2,400 Results | Whois record for bbc.com (Created on Jul. 15, 1989 and Expires on Jul. 14, 2011) @ http://whois.domaintools.com/bbc.com | easyWhois: whois for bbc.com @ http://easywhois.com/index.php?domain=bbc.com | easyWhois: webanomics for bbcenglish.com @ http://easywhois.com/?mode=webanomics&d ... nglish.com | bbc.com - Who.is @ http://www.who.is/whois-com/ip-address/bbc.com/
<speechles> !g .com.au whois google.com
<sp33chy> 295,000 Results | Google.com - Google @ http://whois.domaintools.com/google.com | Googlemusic.com - Google Music @ http://whois.domaintools.com/googlemusic.com | Whois.Net @ http://www.whois.net/whois_new.cgi?d=google.com | CoolWhois.com - WHOIS search of googl @ http://www.coolwhois.com/d/google.com
MellowB wrote:Could it be that the !torrent trigger has stopped working or is that just me/my bot?
Getting asince today.[05:42:57] <Cocco> [05:42] Tcl error [incith::google::public_message]: can't read "reply": no such variable
!torrent works again... YAY!!<speechles> !t legal torrents
<sp33chy> 500 torrents | 24 Jan 08/Books IKEA 2008 Catalog 372 Pages -LegalTorren (11.26 MB, 147s, 4p) @ http://mininova.org/get/1126452 | 06 Oct 07/Books How To Use Your Mind eBooK PDF -LegalTor (482.51 KB, 84s, 1p) @ http://mininova.org/get/925484 | 18 Dec 07/Books How To Use Your Mind eBooK PDF -LegalTor (482.51 KB, 67s, 1p) @ http://mininova.org/get/1050965 |
<sp33chy> www.mininova.org/search/legal+torrents/seeds
That seems like the eggy is only following encoding for the 1st line of it's reply (I assume the first line of it's replies are perfect). The secondary line is completely missing any encoding (it appears to be using eggdrops standard encoding instead of the regional encoding. This is mangling the text)... ;/djevrek wrote:I don't know is this a problem with eggdrop or your script, but when i type !wiki .sr serbia or !wiki .sr@sr-el serbia i got bot give me this.
What is your google default country set to? Also, what country is the IP the bot accessing google located in? because see below...Hellster wrote:Hopefully only a minor fix ?
It works just fine for me, using "com" as default, or switching to any google country. It works for me in the United States, and my friends in the UK and in Italy (of course, using their respective country defaults and servers)...<speechles> !google 57 kilograms to pounds
<sp33chy> 467,000 Results | 57 kilograms = 125.663489 pounds | [PDF] Kilograms to Pounds conversion c @ http://www.metric-conversions.org/conve ... -chart.pdf | Metrical / imperial system converter (cm @ http://www.womenrussia.com/extopfaq10.htm | Weight Conversion Tables, NP Central @ http://www.healthyinfo.com/reference/we ... vert.shtml
<speechles> !google .nl 57 kilograms to pounds
<sp33chy> 467.000 Resultaten | 57 kilograms = 125.663489 pounds | [PDF] Kilograms to Pounds conversion c @ http://www.metric-conversions.org/conve ... -chart.pdf | Metrical / imperial system converter (cm @ http://www.womenrussia.com/extopfaq10.htm | Weight Conversion Tables, NP Central @ http://www.healthyinfo.com/reference/we ... vert.shtml
This is because that particular google server ("com") in combination with that particular IP location creates "alien" templating (google uses outdated or foreign templates for that IP range) and the script cannot parse it. By "alien", I mean the html markups are not occuring in a pre-determined pattern in which it can extract info. If you could perhaps contact me on efnet, using the contact details at the bottom of the header of the script I could solve this and add this missing template. There are others who mysteriously have no google functionality and I suspect this is the same reason. It could be solved with your help. I can't solve it alone because I've never seen this problem demonstrated, either by myself or any of my friends using this script. Anyone who can demonstrate this flawed behavior feel free to contact me, and in doing so get to be a guinea pig of sorts helping me get the new template working (since I cannot test it this is where the help is needed).Hellster wrote:my bot is in the US also , and it's set to the default the script was made for which i would presume is .com
A friend just tried another conversion of !google 1000 g to oz , and also got no response. *shrugs*
Yep, that IP range gets a google server which uses templates the script knows about and can parse gracefully. When you see it working correctly it looks beautiful.Hellster wrote:Edit: I switched the script to another US based eggdrop bot and it works fine now , *shrugs*
Code: Select all
Tcl error [incith::google::public_message]: Unknown option -urlencoding, must be: -accept, -proxyfilter, -proxyhost, -proxyport, -useragent
I made it over abundantly clear that version beyond "j" REQUIRE http v2.5. http 2.4 is no longer enough.dotslasher wrote:I have tried your latest beta version (v 1.98l) and I'm getting errors with all triggers.
*edit*Code: Select all
Tcl error [incith::google::public_message]: Unknown option -urlencoding, must be: -accept, -proxyfilter, -proxyhost, -proxyport, -useragent
just tested the "j" version of the script and that one works.
Hopefully you can see the bold above, and update to the current version. "j" is broken, google calculations and other things will not work within it. The encoding mechanism is also broken. This is why -urlencoding is used, to correct these limitations... I can only lead a horse to water, I cannot make him drink.from my post above wrote:Had some time to investigate more into the problems eggdrop has regarding utf-8 and latin1. The problem seems to stem from the fact eggdrop cannot distinguish at all between utf-8/iso8859-1. So forcing certain things to be detected as iso8859-1 and others as utf-8 makes some things (especially latin1 based character sets) that didn't display correctly before, now magically look perfect without strict use of the encode_strings (keep in mind for any display problems most times it can be solved using the encode_strings array). The side effect of this is no longer is http 2.4 sufficient. It now requires the use of the -urlencoding switch which is only included in versions of http 2.5 and up. Anyone using eggdrop 1.6.19 series is fine, as that is the version of http package included. Anyone using 1.6.18 or less can use this (http 2.5) and copy it to your '/eggdrop/lib/tcl*/' folder. There is no need to place it within a seperate folder. For windrop the same rules apply, you must copy the file I mentioned above to your '\windrop\lib\tcl*\' folder if using a version of windrop less than 1.6.19.