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user class script

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Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:18 am

user class script

Post by Logan »

I am looking for a simple? script that will do the following.

The bot to ask the user to set a CLASS setting.

ie: !Warrior !Mage !Cleric !lamer !peasant

The bot will then use the above to greet the said user in the channel.

BotMaster nods to the mighty Warrior [dynamic name call] entering
ie Botmaster nods to the mighty Warrior Logan, who enters

This greeting would ideally be randomized... to select from one-? options

allow a user to type !up and !down to voice/devoice

Much thanks.. or if you can point me in the direction of a couple scripts that already do this that I can hack away at and mangle horribly? I've yet to even play with tcl past... well, configuring
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