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Botnet typed channel controling tcl script

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Botnet typed channel controling tcl script

Post by dExIT »

For, starters, im realy sorry for boing so rude to people working hard and helping others, i know its not good to as soon as registering to ask someone to do something for you, but this time i have no choice...

I thought if someone could make me a half or some suggestions in making this kinda script :
  • The Tcl script creates his own access list

    The the access list can only be used by Founders and Sop's ( ~ and &'s )

    It has a simple blacklist like ( cmd : .blacklist nick and .blacklist remove nick )
    What the script does ? Controls the channels user statuses, like giving +o +h +v, kicking and banning people in blacklist

    Automaticly sets mode "+l +5 users from the count of the users allready in the channel, like defending from Join/part spam bots

    And if the users nick is in the access list, he must identify himself, but no thourgh NickServ, but the checking goes like through mysql, and if its possible to add in the script the variables to define mysql's DB_name DB-usr and Users_pw , so the script could read 2 rows from the mysql DB, the rows are 'nick' and 'password' - password is in md5

    And when the users wants to get his access like +h or +o he must msg the eggdrop ( or bot ), like this to identify or login ( ex. /msg GamePlaceLv login Nick Password ( the information nick and pw is from registration in our website ), when the checking is done the User gets his +o + h or whatever, and he logs out when he Quits from irc or parts from channel
Main channel operators commands, would be goo dif they would be ike this :
.access nick accesLevel ( levels : 1 - +voice(+) | 2 - +halfop(%) | 3 - +op(@)
.kick nick
.moderate on/off( +m/-m )
.invite on/off (+i/-i)
.access del nick
the access list could be simple file like .dat or .txt and the bot just fopen fwrite/fdelete fclose

And thats it, and i wnated to mention that i am realy happy that youre here, i allready setted up rcon for my eggdrop(testing) and amxbans

-Greets from Latvia

p.s I am realy sorry for my bad english knowledge
p.s2 - looked the egghelp archive and many more sites, but there wasnt realy the things i needed, and i am lacking knowledge to remake those scripts which have some pieces who could useful for me
I tried, and I tried, but people, who know are the best option ^^
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Post by Alchera »

The Tcl Archive is full of these kinds of scripts.
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