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triva game help

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triva game help

Post by neotr »

Hi guys;

I'm using bogus trivia The problem bot not show 1nd Hint and 2nd Hint, just show 3rd Hint.
what's the problem ?

Code: Select all

( 22:59:00 ) <@oyun>Faux pas means ? 
( 22:59:41 ) <@oyun>  3rd Hint: mis*ta*ke   20 secs & 1825 Points Remaining 
( 23:00:00 ) <@oyun> Times up!  The answer was ->  mistake  <-

( 23:00:26 ) <@oyun>I don't trust people without a sense of ?
( 23:01:05 ) <@oyun>  3rd Hint: hu*m*r   20 secs & 1350 Points Remaining 
( 23:01:25 ) <@oyun> Times up!  The answer was ->  humor  <-
Thanks for help
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:16 pm

Post by neotr »

where is the edited question hint


Code: Select all

################################################## Date: 26Feb08 ##
## BogusTrivia by SpiKe^^  -   Game Settings File v2063 ##
#                       Version                         #
#                    ! USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS !                    #
# If you'd like to Preview the script Visit Undernet #BogusTrivia #
#                                                                 #
#             Please report bugs or make comments at:             #
#                  irc: undernet: #pc-mIRC-help                   #
#                email:                    #
#             web site:               #
#                                                                 #
#         View Extensive Info, FAQ Sheets and Screenshots         #
#                                #
#                                                                 #

########  Script Settings & Options  ########

set t2(chan) "#Game"   ;# channel to run bogus trivia in #

set t2(mflag) "-|-"   ;# flags for /msg commands  (.add .mix) #

set t2(on) ".t2"      ;# public trigger to turn game on #
set t2(off) ".stop"        ;# public trigger, game off  ("" = same as on trigger) #
set t2(oflag) "-|-"   ;# flags to turn game on/off #

set t2(lpoint) "5000"     ;# low end of points range  (100 or more) #
set t2(hpoint) "10000"    ;# high end of points range (above lpoint) #

set t2(qtime) "15"    ;# play time between hints (10 to 30 seconds) #
set t2(ptime) "20"    ;# play time between questions (12 to 30 seconds) #

set t2(dobonus) "10"      ;# how often to do bonus (by ques count) (0=off) #
set t2(maxbonus) "15000"  ;# max points for bonus (above hpoint & above 1000) #

set t2(kaos) "25"    ;# how often to do a kaos (by qes count) (0=off) #
set t2(ktime) "20"   ;# time between hints on kaos (in seconds) #

set t2(klpoint) "15000"   ;# low end of kaos points range #
set t2(khpoint) "75000"   ;# high end of kaos points range #

## color themes ##
# 1 =bogus default           # 2 =blue white black yellow #
# 3 =bright green red yellow # 4 =purple grey             #
# 5 =brown grey              # 6 =black orange            #
# 7 =blue green yellow       # 8 =grey brown black orange #
# 0 = No colors              #
set t2(color) "1"

# stat lines for active day week month and ever show top 10 or 20 or 30 users #
set t2(today) "3"      ;## 1 = 10 | 2 = 20 | 3 = 30 ##

# stat lines for yesterday, lastweek, & lastmonth show top 10, 20 or 30 users #
set t2(yesterda) "3"   ;## 1 = 10 | 2 = 20 | 3 = 30 ##

# stat lines for logs older than yesterday etc. # ex. 2 Weeks Ago Top 10 #
set t2(history) "2"    ;## 0 = off | 1 = 10 | 2 = 20 ##

# stat lines like:  Top Player of: - Sunday: nick points - Monday: nick.... #
set t2(otherhist) "1"  ;## 0 = off | 1 = on ##

set t2(shonum) "1"     ;# show the question number ?? (1=yes | 0=no) #
set t2(shothe) "1"     ;# show leading 'the' in first hint ?? (1=yes | 0=no) #
set t2(descend) "1"    ;# points go down with each hint ?? (1=yes | 0=no) #

set t2(randad) "4"     ;# how often to show random ad (by qes count) (0=off) #

## random ad lines.  one ad per line.  as many as you want (no limit) ##
#### Random Lines Below ##
set t2(rndlin) {

Think a Q&A is incorrect? It can't be the bot is always right. hehe
Welcome to Our Channel, kick back and play some Trivia!!
Trivia Commands:  ~ Will Show a Hint, q Will Repeat the Current Question 
BogusTrivia by Spike^^.  Get your copy at !
This Space For Rent.

} ;##  END Random Ad Lines ! ##  END USER SETTINGS ##  END USER SETTINGS ###

#### !! END SETTINGS !! #### !! END SETTINGS !! #### !! END SETTINGS !! ####

########  Advanced Settings  ( no need to edit these )  ########

set t2(pflag) "-|-"   ;# flags required to play the game ( -|- = all ) #

set t2(hint) "~"      ;# public trigger to see user hint ( default: ~ ) #
set t2(hflag) "-|-"   ;# flags required to use hint command #

set t2(usrqes) "1"    ;# users can see question again? (0=no | 1=yes) #
set t2(upubq) "q"     ;# public trigger to see user question ( default: q ) #
set t2(pqflag) "-|-"  ;# flags required to use question command #
# Note: can be used only once per question & only after the 2nd hint #

# slow times #  after this many questions with no one playing the game, #
# the times between hints & questions increase to these settings. #
set t2(sqcnt) "6"     ;# use slow times after this many not played #
set t2(qslow) "20"    ;# slow time between hints #
set t2(pslow) "25"    ;# slow time between questions #
# Note: if set to less than play times, slow times will be same as play #

# resting times #  after this many questions with no one playing the game, #
# the times between hints & questions increase to these settings. #
set t2(rqcnt) "15"    ;# use resting times after this many not played #
set t2(rest) "30"     ;# resting time between hints,  and questions #
# Note: if set to less than slow times, rest times will be same as slow #

# anti-theft #  random letter fill of spaces in questions ?? #
set t2(randfil) "1"   ;# anti-theft on ?? (1=yes | 0=no) #


# restart game on rejoin ?? #
set t2(restart) "0"   ;#  (1=yes | 0=no) #

# database backup # (0=off | 1=keep 1 backup) # or keep 'x' backups #
set t2(bakupu) "1"   ;# backup the user file ?? #
set t2(bakuph) "1"   ;# backup the history file ?? #

# backup user file how often # 1 = once a day at midnight # 2 = twice at noon & midnight #
set t2(bakhow) "1"


##########   Advanced Stats Settings   ##########
# weekly stats #  new week starts on monday morning ??  (1 - 7) #
set t2(newweek) "1"   ;# 1 = monday # 2 = tuesday ... 7 = sunday #

# Show/Hide these player stats to the channel ??  (1=show | 0=hide) #
set t2(ever) "1"     ;#  show top10 ever stats lines ??  #
set t2(tda) "1"      ;#  show today ??       #
set t2(twe) "1"      ;#  show this week ??   #
set t2(tmo) "1"      ;#  show this month ??  #

set t2(lda) "1"      ;#  show yesterday ??   #
set t2(lwe) "1"      ;#  show last week ??   #
set t2(lmo) "1"      ;#  show last month ??  #

# user file maint #  affects the ever stats & the size of the user file #
set t2(usrmax) "300"  ;#  max number of users in the user file.  (100 or more) #
set t2(oldusr) "60"   ;#  remove all users not seen in this many days ?? (0=no) #

##########   Advanced KAOS Settings   ##########
# bogus can do kaos hints in 2 ways,  long hints or a shorter ver. (try it:) #
# (0 - 3)  # default: "1"  =short first hint & full hints 2 and 3 #
# 0=all long hints  | 1=short hint1  | 2=short hint2  | 3=short hint3 also #
set t2(kstyle) "1"

# stop doing kaos questions if no one has been playing ?? (if slow or resting) #
set t2(krest) "1"   ;# 0=no krest | 1=no kaos after rest | 2=none after slow #

# kaos bonus #  award a bonus to all kaos players if they get them all ?? #
set t2(kbonus) "5"      ;# 0=off | 1+ =min number of answers to be a bonus #
set t2(kbonlo) "5000"   ;# low end of kaos bonus points range  (100 or more) #
set t2(kbonhi) "10000"  ;# high end of kaos bonus points range (above kbonlo) #

########  Custom Colors Setup:  (( standard mirc color codes ))  ########
## turn on custom colors setup ??  (0=no | 1=yes) ##
## ( turning this on overrides color themes setting above! ) ##
set t2(custclr) "0"

## Color settings for items below can be set in 3 ways: ##
## 1) one number:  like "06" : for text in purple
## 2) two numbers: like "04,12" : for red text, blue background (1st# = text, 2nd# = background)
## 3) no numbers:  like "" : no color code for this item.. text will be user default colors.
# 00=white 01=black 02=dkblue 03=green 04=red 05=brown 06=purple 07=orange 08=yellow #
# 09=lightgreen 10=darkgreen 11=bluegreen 12=blue 13=pink 14=darkgrey 15=lightgrey   #

## colors for the question text ##
## ( should have a background color ) ##
set tscl(qt) "05,15"
## colors for all timed hints
set tscl(hint) "05,15"
set tscl(hint2) "07,15"

## this line:  Question Value : 8200 Points ##
## and:  30 secs & 2650 Points Remaining ##
set tscl(pnt1) "07"
set tscl(pnt2) "05"
## this line: BONUS Question Value : 15000 Points ##
set tscl(bonus) "07"
set tscl(bon2) "05"

## this line: Times up!  The answer was ->  The Who  <- ##
## and: YES, SpiKe^^ got the answer -> styx <- in 13.855 seconds.... ##
## and: SpiKe^^ has won 4 in a row! Total Points TODAY: 185925.... ##
set tscl(tu1) "05"
set tscl(tu2) "07"

## colors for user requested hints  ( public ~ reply ) ##
set tscl(hnt1) "05,15"
set tscl(hnt2) "05,15"
## colors for the random ads ##
set tscl(randad) "00,01"

########  Custom KAOS Colors  ########
## kaos uses same colors as normal questions ?? ##
## (1=yes | 0=use custom kaos colors below)
set tscl(ksame) "1"

## colors for all kaos hints ##
set tscl(khnt) "05,15"
set tscl(khnt2) "05,15"

set tscl(kpnt1) "07"
set tscl(kpnt2) "05"

set tscl(ktu) "07"
set tscl(ktu2) "05"
set tscl(kng) "07"

set tscl(kstat) "05"
set tscl(ksta2) "07"

set tscl(kbon) "05"
set tscl(kbon2) "07"

########  Custom Stats Colors  ########
## colors for all daily stats ##
set tscl(d10) "05,15"
set tscl(d11) "01,15"
set tscl(d12) "05,15"
## all stats use the daily stats colors from above ?? ##
## (1=yes | 0=use individual stats setup below)
set tscl(same) "1"

## colors for all weekly stats ##
set tscl(w10) "00,10"
set tscl(w11) "08,10"
set tscl(w12) "00,10"
## colors for all monthly stats ##
set tscl(m10) "00,10"
set tscl(m11) "08,10"
set tscl(m12) "00,10"
## colors for all lifetime stats ##
set tscl(e10) "00,10"
set tscl(e11) "08,10"
set tscl(e12) "00,10"

##### !!  END Advanced Settings  !! #### !!  END Advanced Settings  !! #####
########   !!  END OF SETTINGS FILE  !!  END OF SETTINGS FILE  !!   ########

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Post by Alchera »

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