I know nuthing about codeing but If someone could please help get this short mirc script converted to tcl for my bots. I am greatly appreciative!
The purpose of the script is to kick users who use the @ and ! commands in a chat channel. It unbans them after 30 secounds. It also needs to ensure that the nick is not currently an +o in the bots. ( we dont need to be kicking the ops).
on *:text:!list*:#Channelname:{
if ($nick isop #) { halt }
else {
kick # $nick No !List (Ban 30 Sec) [ %k.count ]
mode # +b $mask($address($nick,0),2)
ink %k.count 1
I dont know if there are already tcl's that will do this if there are please let me know..I am sure that those tcl's are highly configerable. but untill I can decide on one maby someone can help me get this interum version working quickly.
Life After Death