bind pub o|o !n pub:nickne
proc pub:nickne {nick uhost hand chan txt} {
set txt [split $txt]
set who [lindex $txt 0]
if {[isbotnick $who]} { return }
if {[llength $txt] > 1} {
set reason [join [lrange $txt 1 "end"]]
} else {
set reason "($nick) Bad nickname, please change it and rejoin the channel!!"
set x "X"
putmsg $x "kick $chan $who $reason"
putkick $chan $who $reason
return 1
ok this is the problem ... when I type on channel !n <nick> ... the eggdrop bans users IP (mask)...
Can someone change this script so the eggdrop won't ban the mask, but just the nickname (ex: nick*!*@* )
#set the ban-time. (0 = perm)
set eggbantime "60"
bind pub o|o !n pub:nickne
proc pub:nickne {nick uhost hand chan txt} {
global botnick eggbantime
set txt [split $txt]
set who [lindex $txt 0]
if {[isbotnick $who]} { return }
if {[llength $txt] > 1} {
set reason [join [lrange $txt 1 "end"]]
} else {
set reason "($nick) Bad nickname, please change it and rejoin the channel!!"
set mask $who*!*@*
set x "X"
newchanban $chan $mask $botnick $reason $eggbantime
putmsg $x "kick $chan $who $reason"
putkick $chan $who $reason
return 1
#set the ban-time. (0 = perm)
set eggbantime "60"
bind pub o|o !n pub:nickne
proc pub:nickne {nick uhost hand chan txt} {
global botnick eggbantime
set txt [split $txt]
set who [lindex $txt 0]
if {[isbotnick $who]} { return }
if {[llength $txt] > 1} {
set reason [join [lrange $txt 1 "end"]]
} else {
set reason "($nick) Bad nickname, please change it and rejoin the channel!!"
set mask $who*!*@*
set x "X"
newchanban $chan $mask $botnick $reason $eggbantime
putmsg $x "kick $chan $who $reason"
putkick $chan $who $reason
return 1
no tested, try it.
something is wrong
[20:07] Tcl error [pub:nickne]: invalid command name "б═"
*** tesuser ( ) Entra al Canal #Nor7on
<Nor7on> !n tesuser
* Chasse pone modo: +b tesuser*!*@*
* tesuser ha sido KICKEADO por Chasse (Banned: (tesuser) Bad nickname, please change it and rejoin the channel!!)
The error message suggests that the error is not with the script itself, but the editor/environment using an extended locale such as utf-8 or similar. Also, the error is not related to any other scripts, as the function containing the error is the same as provided in the posted code.