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netbots 4.10 - .netcontrol

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netbots 4.10 - .netcontrol

Post by eggman »

Hey all,

I've defined very selective groups, sometimes with a bot in more than one group, as netbot groups in netset.tcl

For instance, IRCNetHubs might contain IRCNETHUB1 and IRCNETHUB2

but group IRCNetAll might contain both IRCNETHUB1, IRCNETHUB2, and IRCNET1, IRCNET2, IRCNET3, etc.

Is this causing my problem?

My problem:

When I .netcontrol group it shows the right bots being controlled via doing another .netcontrol (with no parameters), but .netjoin and .netpart don't seem to work. Not sure about any other netbots commands.
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Re: netbots 4.10 - .netcontrol

Post by slennox »

eggman wrote:When I .netcontrol group it shows the right bots being controlled via doing another .netcontrol (with no parameters), but .netjoin and .netpart don't seem to work. Not sure about any other netbots commands.
You need to try some other commands then. If only .netjoin/part are not working that's likely to have a different cause than if no commands are working.
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no commands work :/

Post by eggman »

heya slennox,

no commands at all are working. can you think of a cause why?
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Post by slennox »

Check whether they work when controlling all bots (.control *) then specify a specific bot (.control <bothandle>) and let me know whether that works. In nb_group, make sure you're specifying bots with their handles, not nicks. Paste your nb_group settings here - you can alter the bot names if you don't wish to reveal them publicly.
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here you go, thanks

Post by eggman »

It definitely works controlling all bots "*" and specific bots even with commas for multiples, but it makes it very tedious to have to do 50 some bots. The below example is the format of how my netgroups look. Bots are sometimes in duplicate groups.

set nb_group(IRCnet1) "IRCNETHUB1 IRCNETHUB1b IRCNETHUB2 IRCNETHUB3 bot1 bot2 bot3 bot4 - bot15"
set nb_group(IRCNET1-part1) "bot1 bot2 bot3 - bot8"
set nb_group(IRCNET1-part2) "bot9 bot10 bot11 bot12 bot13 bot14 bot15"
set nb_group(Linknet1) "LNHUB1 LNHUB2 LNHUB3 LNHUB4 Lbot1 - Lbot15"
set nb_group(LinknetHUBS) "LNHUB1 LNHUB2 LNHUB3 LNHUB4"
set nb_group(Linknet1) "Lbot1 Lbot2 - Lbot 15"
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Post by slennox »

Separating by spaces in .netcontrol is allowed, but for nb_group it isn't. Don't remember why I did it that way.

So change your nb_group lists to bot1,bot2,bot3 format. Also, assuming you have those dashes in your netset.tcl and didn't just put them in to the forum post, get rid of them as they'll be unrecognised by the script.
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