have a script that put chattr +T $chan.
so, can helpme with a code for generate a list only with flags +T in my channel. (can be added an accountant of minutes?)
maybe add other proc more with this functions.
if have 3 users with flag with +T. (user1, testuser, usertest)
eggdrop say via notice: there are in the chan 3 users with +T, are: User1 (20min) - testuser (2hours 7min) - usertest (45seg).
the times are for knowing how long has user with flag +T in the channel.
here paste my code.
Code: Select all
proc pub:flags {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global simtemop
if {![channel get $chan simtemop]} { return }
set cnick [lindex [split $text] 0]
set bnick [nick2hand $cnick]
if {([string length $text]) > 0} {
if {([matchattr $bnick "*" $chan])} {
if {([onchan $cnick $chan])} {
chattr $cnick |+T $chan
puthelp "privmsg $chan :Enhorabuena $cnick!! ahora eres Op-Temporal."
if {([botisop $chan])} {
putserv "MODE $chan +v $cnick"
puthelp "notice $cnick :Ahora eres Op-Temporal, porfavor para que veas tus comandos, escribe: !comandos."
} else { putserv "privmsg X :voice $chan $cnick" }
} else { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$cnick no se encuentra dentro de $chan." }
} else { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$cnick Ya está como Op-Temporal, quizás no tenga voice, es necesário que lo tenga." }
} else { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Usa !+optemp <nick>" }
thanks in advance.