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Help With Notes

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Help With Notes

Post by Road_to_Hell »

i'm using added-on.tcl from your archive, but i have a problem with the function to send note to me when someone adds or delete user/ban.
I am the permanent owner of the bot.

When a friend add a user, the bot message me with this:
[00:54] <(Since1914> *** Note arrived for you.

But when i try to read it:
[00:54] <Road_to_Hell> .notes read all
[00:54] <(Since1914> You have no messages.

I can't read the note and don't know why :(

I just need tcl who notes me every time when someone adds or deletes an user.

Please help and sorry for my bad english.

Here is the tcl:

Code: Select all

# add-on.tcl
# Copyright (c)2000-2002 by funak <>
# Last update: 1.6.2002
#  Features:
#  -script adds an "Added" entry into the userfile for each user which were added 
#   (ex. ADDED: by funak as luzer (23-07-2001@03:55))
#  -script adds a "Changed" entry into the userfile for each user which had changed
#   flags (ex. CHANGED: by funak (23-07-2001@03:55) +o #mychann)
#  -script sends a note to the users specified in the config file's notify-newusers 
#   setting about new and deleted users 
#   (ex. User funak deleted luzer (23-07-2001@03:55).)
#  -script adds (handle date@time) to bans' reason, so banned person can see who 
#   set a ban on him (ex.[  1] *!*ident@hostmask (perm)
#					 funak: reason (set by funak on 23-07-2001@03:55) )
# Based on - Added.tcl by Nils Ostbjerg <> (C)Copyright (2000)
# Changelog:
# v1.0 - first relase
#	   removed: hello, addhost
#	   added: deluser, -user, -bot, notifying ppl about deleted users
# v1.2 - added: "changed" field, notifying ppl about new users
# v1.2 - added: "who banned" to bans' reason
# Any ideas, suggestions, bugreports, flames, cash, cars (I prefer new Skoda Superb),
# etc should be sent to me ;o)) 
# (contact info above).

set verzia v1.2

# Bindings                                                               #
unbind dcc m|m adduser *dcc:adduser
unbind dcc m|m deluser *dcc:deluser
unbind dcc m|- +user *dcc:+user
unbind dcc m|- -user *dcc:-user
unbind dcc t|- +bot *dcc:+bot
unbind dcc t|- -bot *dcc:-bot
unbind dcc m|m chattr *dcc:chattr
unbind dcc o|o +ban *dcc:+ban

bind dcc m|m adduser dcc:adduser
bind dcc m|m deluser dcc:deluser
bind dcc m|- +user dcc:+user
bind dcc m|- -user dcc:-user
bind dcc t|- +bot dcc:+bot
bind dcc t|- -bot dcc:-bot
bind dcc m|m chattr dcc:chattr
bind dcc o|o +ban dcc:+ban

# Initilization                                                          #
if {![info exists whois-fields]} {
    set whois-fields ""

# Add "Added" field
set ffound 0
foreach f2 [split ${whois-fields}] {
    if {[string tolower $f2] == [string tolower "ADDED"]} {
        set ffound 1
if {$ffound == 0} {
    append whois-fields " " "ADDED"

# Add "Changed" field
set ffound 0
foreach f2 [split ${whois-fields}] {
    if {[string tolower $f2] == [string tolower "CHANGED"]} {
        set ffound 1
if {$ffound == 0} {
    append whois-fields " " "CHANGED"
# dcc:chattr start                                                       #
proc dcc:chattr {hand idx paras} {
 set user [lindex $paras 0]
 set flags [lindex $paras 1]
 set on_chan [lindex $paras 2]
 if {[validuser $user]} {
  *dcc:chattr $hand $idx $paras
  setuser $user xtra CHANGED "by $hand ([strftime %d-%m-%Y@%H:%M]) $flags $on_chan"
 } else {
  *dcc:chattr $hand $idx $paras
# dcc:chattr end                                                         #

# dcc:add/deluser start                                                  #
proc dcc:adduser {hand idx paras} {
    set user [lindex $paras 1]
    if {$user == ""} {
	if {[string index $paras 0] == "!"} {
	    set user [string range [lindex $paras 0] 1 end]
	} else {
	    set user [lindex $paras 0]
    if {[validuser $user]} {
	*dcc:adduser $hand $idx $paras
    } else {
	*dcc:adduser $hand $idx $paras
	if {[validuser $user]} {
            setuser $user xtra ADDED "by $hand as $user ([strftime %d-%m-%Y@%H:%M])"
		tellaboutnew $hand $user

proc dcc:deluser {hand idx paras} {
    set user [lindex $paras 0]
    if {[validuser $user]} {
	*dcc:deluser $hand $idx $paras
      tellaboutdel $hand $user
    } else {
	*dcc:deluser $hand $idx $paras
# dcc:add/deluser end                                                    #

# dcc:+/-user start                                                      #
proc dcc:+user {hand idx paras} {
    set user [lindex $paras 0]
    if {[validuser $user]} {
        *dcc:+user $hand $idx $paras
    } else {
        *dcc:+user $hand $idx $paras
        if {[validuser $user]} {
            setuser $user xtra ADDED "by $hand as $user ([strftime %d-%m-%Y@%H:%M])"
		tellaboutnew $hand $user

proc dcc:-user {hand idx paras} {
    set user [lindex $paras 0]
    if {[validuser $user]} {
        *dcc:-user $hand $idx $paras
        tellaboutdel $hand $user
    } else {
        *dcc:-user $hand $idx $paras
# dcc:+/-user end                                                        #

# dcc:+/-bot start                                                       #
proc dcc:+bot {hand idx paras} {
    set user [lindex $paras 0]
    if {[validuser $user]} {
        *dcc:+bot $hand $idx $paras
    } else {
        *dcc:+bot $hand $idx $paras
        if {[validuser $user]} {
            setuser $user xtra ADDED "by $hand as $user ([strftime %d-%m-%Y@%H:%M])"
		tellaboutnew $hand $user

proc dcc:-bot {hand idx paras} {
    set user [lindex $paras 0]
    if {[validuser $user]} {
        *dcc:-bot $hand $idx $paras
        tellaboutdel $hand $user
    } else {
        *dcc:-bot $hand $idx $paras
# dcc:+/-bot end                                                         #

# tellaboutnew start                                                     #
proc tellaboutnew {hand user} {
    global notify-newusers
    foreach ppl ${notify-newusers} {
	sendnote $hand $ppl "User $hand added $user ([strftime %d-%m-%Y@%H:%M])."
# tellaboutnew end                                                       #

# tellaboutdel start                                                     #
proc tellaboutdel {hand user} {
    global notify-newusers
    foreach ppl ${notify-newusers} {
	sendnote $hand $ppl "User $hand deleted $user ([strftime %d-%m-%Y@%H:%M])."
# tellaboutdel end                                                       #

# +ban start                                                             #
proc dcc:+ban {handle idx arg} {
  if {$arg == ""} {
    *dcc:+ban $handle $idx $arg
    return 0
  *dcc:+ban $handle $idx "$arg (set by $handle on [strftime %d-%m-%Y@%H:%M])"
# +ban end                                                               #

putlog "########################################"
putlog "#\002Add/Del/Change/Ban\002 addon $verzia by Funak#"
putlog "########################################"
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Post by TCL_no_TK »

The script you've displayed seems fine. I would check the following:
1. The notes module is loaded.
2. The notes module settings are correct. (check for note file failure)
3. Check if there are any scripts loaded that alter/affect the notes. (i.e notes2.tcl including in the default eggdrop script directory)

I'd also check the output of .set errorInfo and possibly your logs for error messages relating to notes.
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:05 pm


Post by GiOrGoS »

i suppose u have tried .notes read instead of .notes all read?
try the msg command as well if this fails /msg botnick notes pass read
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