If you're talking about external commands for controlling the bot then that's outside the purpose of the script. If you're talking about customizing the commands used by the script, the ban command is the same on all networks so no need to configure it as for the oper commands, the only oper command used by the script is kline and it's customizable
# Edit this only if your bot is an ircop and will use the kline command:
# Set here the kline command used on your server.
# for example some ircds user:
# kline %mask %time %reason
# others use:
# kline %time %mask %reason
## NOTE:
# %mask = the klined mask.
# %time = the kline time.
# %reason = the kline reason.
set kline(cmd) "kline %time %mask :%reason"
As you can see I'm currently not working on the script at all. However, I'll take your suggestions into consideration when I plan to continue tweaking the script.
Caps detection only works for a single word. if a user talks a whole sentence in caps and the detection rate is set for 90:20 it will not trigger. only if someone says a word with 20 letters or more and with 90% caps in it.
Another problem:
when you .restart the bot it forgets settings on certain channels. You'll have to set them all over again.
Yes, that's how CAPS detection is designed: <CAPS rate>:<minimum text length>. So as you said 90:20 means that the script will check for 90% or more upper-case characters in a 20 or more characters long text.
The settings are never reset, they're in your bot's .chan file.
What do you mean whole sentence? It does check the whole sentence even if it's longer than the length you've assigned only it never triggers unless the CAPS percentage is breached.
Edit: Settings could be reset if they're invalid. For example if you set "90 120 kb 2" for ap:caps, the script resets it to the default value since "90" is invalid and should be in the form <percentage>:<length>.
would that result in a reset for all the ap: protection settings?
Because I just tested it and restarted my bot and it reverted back to the default protection settings.
dotslasher wrote:would that result in a reset for all the ap: protection settings?
Because I just tested it and restarted my bot and it reverted back to the default protection settings.
About that caps thing:
it does detect this with settings 90:10:
It does NOT detect:
No, it only resets the invalid settings. For example, if ap:caps is invalid on #chan1 but valid on #chan2 it will only be reset on #chan1.
As for the caps issue, I tested it with 60:15 setting and it worked successfully:
[22:28:00] <MastaPi> CAPSLOCKTESTING
[22:28:01] *** You were kicked by Shrider (Excess CAPS detected. (100% of 15 chars) :: [Sun Oct 12 14:30:33 2008] - Banned 120 minutes .16192.)
[22:28:32] *** Rejoined channel #testfz
[22:28:35] *** You were kicked by Shrider (Excess CAPS detected. (79% of 49 chars) :: [Sun Oct 12 14:31:07 2008] - Banned 120 minutes .16193.)
Note that a white-space is considered a lower-case character thus the 79% value in the second kick message. Adjust your settings to a more suitable value if it's not suitable for you as it is right now.
Hey F... hope u doin ok man, Just want to check why this Tcl dont ban on spammin With antispam, spammers only gt kicked without ban please can u check wats wrong am using the last version maybe...VERSION reply]: - Using AllProtection v4.6b8 by Opposing (aka Sir_Fz)
[16:45] * TheSummer was kicked by Freebsd (Advertising detected. (* #m*) :: [Thu Oct 16 02:43:27 2008] - Banned 180 minutes ·739·)
I tested it on my bot and it's working okay, kicks and bans the spammer. Possible reasons why you faced such a problem is that maybe the ban was already set on the channel, or for some reason the server did not react to the bot's ban request. One thing I'm sure about is that the script is doing its job.
Edit: This was actually a bug in AP4.6b8, it happens when the channel name is not completely lower-case. To avoid this problem, replace