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Help with log to html script

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Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:14 am

Help with log to html script

Post by unb0rn »

Hello, im using the script "pxi2h" to log the conversations of one channel, to a html file, but i have a few problems with the script:

- It doesn't log own messages
- It ignores the number's
- has a limit of lines

what i need help for is:

- I want it to separate the pages by day, separate, or create a new html for each day
- include the numbers on the log.html and is own messages (the eggdrop i mean)
- Have no limit of lines.

The script:
### Configuration:


# The channel set to show online:

set pxi2h_chan(#chan) "/var/www/chan.html"


# The prefix to prevent stuff from being shown on the web:

set pxi2h(secret) ""


# Maximum number of lines shown on the web:

set pxi2h(maxlines) 15


# The page is set to refes every X seconds:

set pxi2h(refresh) 10


# The title of the page:

set pxi2h(title) "Log page for #chan"


# Text color:

set pxi2h(text) "#FFFFFF"


# Background color:

set pxi2h(bgcolor) "#000000"


# Heading color:

set pxi2h(heading) "#6666EE"


# Font type:

set pxi2h(font) "monospace"


### End of config.


proc pxi2h:style {event chan nick host arg} {

global pxi2h_history

set chan [pxi2h:findchan $chan]

if {$chan == ""} { return }

switch -- $event {

actn { set text "* $nick $arg" }

join { set text "*** $nick ($host) has joined $chan" }

kick { set text "*** [lindex $arg 0] was kicked by $nick ([lrange $arg 1 end])" }

mode { set text "*** $nick sets mode: $arg" }

nick { set text "*** $nick is now known as $arg" }

part { set text "*** $nick ($host) has left $chan" }

pubm { set text "<$nick> $arg" }

sign { set text "*** $nick ($host) has quit irc ($arg)" }

topc { set text "*** $nick changes topic to '$arg'" }


set pxi2h_history($chan) [lappend pxi2h_history($chan) [pxi2h:control [pxi2h:convert $text]]]

utimer 1 "pxi2h:make $chan"


proc pxi2h:dcc {hand idx arg} {

global pxi2h

if {[string tolower [lindex $arg 0]] == "on"} {

set pxi2h(status) "on"

} elseif {[string tolower [lindex $arg 0]] == "off"} {

set pxi2h(status) "off"


putdcc $idx "ProjectX irc2html is $pxi2h(status)"

return 1


proc pxi2h:html {text} {

return [pxi2h:unconvert [pxi2h:convert $text]]


proc pxi2h:control {text} {

set temp $text

set text ""

set bold "0"

set undr "0"

set color "0"

for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $temp]} {incr i} {

set c [string index $temp $i]

switch -- $c {

{ if {$bold == "1"} { set text "$text</B>"; set bold "0" } else { set text "$text<B>"; set bold "1" } }

{ if {$undr == "1"} { set text "$text</U>"; set undr "0" } else { set text "$text<U>"; set undr "1" } }

{ }

{ }

default { set text "$text$c" }



if {$bold == "1"} { set text "$text</B>" }

if {$undr == "1"} { set text "$text</U>" }

return $text


proc pxi2h:convert {text} {

regsub -all , $text "" text

regsub -all 0 $text "" text

regsub -all 1 $text "" text

regsub -all 2 $text "" text

regsub -all 3 $text "" text

regsub -all 4 $text "" text

regsub -all 5 $text "" text

regsub -all 6 $text "" text

regsub -all 7 $text "" text

regsub -all 8 $text "" text

regsub -all 9 $text "" text

regsub -all {\]} $text "p!c1" text

regsub -all {\[} $text "p!c2" text

regsub -all {\}} $text "p!c3" text

regsub -all {\{} $text "p!c4" text

regsub -all {\$} $text "p!c5" text

regsub -all {\"} $text "p!c6" text

regsub -all {\;} $text "p!c7" text

regsub -all {\\} $text "p!c8" text

regsub -all {\/} $text "p!c9" text

regsub -all & $text "\\&" text

regsub -all < $text "\\<" text

regsub -all > $text "\\>" text

regsub -all \" $text "\\"" text

regsub -all " " $text "\\  " text

return $text


proc pxi2h:unconvert {text} {

regsub -all {p!c1} $text "\]" text

regsub -all {p!c2} $text "\[" text

regsub -all {p!c3} $text "\}" text

regsub -all {p!c4} $text "\{" text

regsub -all {p!c5} $text "\$" text

regsub -all {p!c6} $text "\"" text

regsub -all {p!c7} $text "\;" text

regsub -all {p!c8} $text "\\" text

regsub -all {p!c9} $text "\/" text

return $text


proc pxi2h:make {chan} {

global pxi2h_history pxi2h pxi2h_chan server

if {[llength $pxi2h_history($chan)] > $pxi2h(maxlines)} { set pxi2h_history($chan) [lrange $pxi2h_history($chan) 1 end] }

set nicks ""

foreach nick [chanlist $chan] {

if {[isop $nick $chan]} {

set nicks "$nicks @[pxi2h:convert $nick]"

} elseif {[isvoice $nick $chan]} {

set nicks "$nicks +[pxi2h:convert $nick]"

} else {

set nicks "$nicks [pxi2h:convert $nick]"



set nicks [lsort -increasing $nicks]

set html [open $pxi2h_chan($chan) w]

puts $html "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n <TITLE>$pxi2h(title)</TITLE>\n <META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"$pxi2h(refresh)\">\n</HEAD>"

puts $html "<BODY TEXT=\"$pxi2h(text)\" BGCOLOR=\"$pxi2h(bgcolor)\" LINK=\"$pxi2h(heading)\" VLINK=\"$pxi2h(heading)\">"

puts $html " <FONT COLOR=\"$pxi2h(heading)\"><FONT SIZE=\"+1\" FACE=\"sans-serif\">$chan</FONT> <FONT SIZE=\"-1\" FACE=\"monospace\">\[[lindex [getchanmode $chan] 0]\]: '[pxi2h:html [topic $chan]]'</FONT></FONT><P>"

puts $html " <FONT SIZE=\"-1\" FACE=\"$pxi2h(font)\">"

puts $html " <B>Server.</B>: [string range $server 0 [expr [string last ":" $server] - 1]]<BR>"

puts $html " <B>Users..</B>: [pxi2h:unconvert $nicks]<BR>\n <HR SIZE=\"1\">"

close $html

set html [open $pxi2h_chan($chan) a]

if {$pxi2h(status) == "on"} {

for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $pxi2h_history($chan)]} { incr i } {

puts $html " \[[strftime "%H:%M"]\][pxi2h:unconvert [lindex $pxi2h_history($chan) $i]]<BR>"


} else {

puts $html " <BR><CENTER><B>O F F L I N E !</B></CENTER><P>"


puts $html " </FONT>\n <HR SIZE=\"1\">\n <CENTER><FONT SIZE=\"-1\" FACE=\"sans-serif\"><I>Powered by <A HREF=\"\">http://pr0 ... Y>\n</HTML>"

close $html


proc pxi2h:findchan {chan} {

global pxi2h_chan

foreach ele [array names pxi2h_chan] {

if {[string tolower $ele] == [string tolower $chan]} { return $ele }



proc pxi2h:ctcp {nick host handle dest keyword arg} {

if {![string compare $keyword "ACTION"]} { pxi2h:style "actn" $dest $nick $host $arg }


proc pxi2h:join {nick host handle chan} {

pxi2h:style "join" $chan $nick $host ""


proc pxi2h:kick {nick host handle chan knick arg} {

pxi2h:style "kick" $chan $nick $host "$knick $arg"


proc pxi2h:mode11x {nick host handle chan arg} {

if {[lindex $arg 0] == "+k"} { set mode [lindex $arg 0] } else { set mode [lrange $arg 0 end] }

pxi2h:style "mode" $chan $nick $host $mode


proc pxi2h:mode13x {nick host handle chan arg mnick} {

if {[lindex $arg 0] == "+k"} { set mode [lindex $arg 0] } else { set mode "[lrange $arg 0 end] $mnick" }

pxi2h:style "mode" $chan $nick $host $mode


proc pxi2h:nick {nick host handle chan newnick} {

pxi2h:style "nick" $chan $nick $host $newnick


proc pxi2h:part {nick host handle chan rest} {

pxi2h:style "part" $chan $nick $host ""


proc pxi2h:pubm {nick host handle chan arg} {

global pxi2h

if {[string range $arg 0 0] != $pxi2h(secret)} { pxi2h:style "pubm" $chan $nick $host $arg }


proc pxi2h:sign {nick host handle chan arg} {

pxi2h:style "sign" $chan $nick $host $arg


proc pxi2h:topc {nick host handle chan topic} {

if {$nick != "*"} { pxi2h:style "topc" $chan $nick $host $topic }


bind dcc +m irc2html pxi2h:dcc

bind ctcp - ACTION pxi2h:ctcp

bind join - * pxi2h:join

bind kick - * pxi2h:kick

if {[lindex $version 1] < "01030000"} {

bind mode - * pxi2h:mode11x

} else {

bind mode - * pxi2h:mode13x


bind nick - * pxi2h:nick

bind part - * pxi2h:part

bind pubm - * pxi2h:pubm

bind sign - * pxi2h:sign

bind topc - * pxi2h:topc

set pxi2h(ver) "2.00"

if {![info exists pxi2h(status)]} { set pxi2h(status) "on" }

foreach ele [array names pxi2h_chan] {

if {![info exists pxi2h_history($ele)]} { set pxi2h_history($ele) "" }

pxi2h:make $ele


putlog "\[ProjectX\] irc2html v$pxi2h(ver) loaded."
Really appreciate the help.
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