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Xdcc Search/Request

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Xdcc Search/Request

Post by MadMe200 »

Hi all :D Am just wondering if some one could build me a Xdcc Search/Request :oops: Here are some Examples/Info on what i would like it to do

So say someone does !Search <File> it would post to channel - Searching for XDCC packs on #Channel matching FileName - «1» Bot/Nick on #Channel : #PackNumber [FileSize] FileName.

Or someone does !Request ADD <FileName> it would post to channel - Request added by Nick: FileName

And someone does !Request FILL <PackNumber> it would post to channel - PackNumber - Nick - Nick has filled PackNumber FileName.

And someone does !Request UNFILL <PackNumber> it would post to channel - PackNumber - Nick - Nick has unfilled PackNumber FileName.

And someone does !Request LIST it would post to channel - Listing requests on #Channel... PackNumber Added by Nick (wks days hrs mins ago): FileName (FileSize) (Filled by Nick)
PackNumber Added by Nick (wks days hr ago): FileName (FileSize)

If that can be done Thanks :)
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Post by speechles »

This sounds like an "incomplete" channel type warez script, where missing pieces from spanned rar warez releases are sought out and requested. Warez isn't exactly something discussed here... X**C is usually considered a bad word as it causes google spiders to point retards at that word. So a flood of retards will now find this thread, looking for warez x**c bots.

You would have better luck finding a similar type x** script on google than having one created here. Mainly because of the google spiders and tards that come...

edit:obfuscated the X word to eliminate the google factor.
Last edited by speechles on Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 13
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Post by MadMe200 »

Hi speechles its not warez/incomplete Channel Yakk

As for google i did try search for one and i can only find it in a .mrc file and that is rubbish due to it /msg nicks and also to doe a search you have to /msg botnick and that is stupid

Also sorry about the X word :)
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Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:21 am

Post by MadMe200 »

Well can you just do a Search Script that will search a channel for a file/pack like

!Search CloneScript
and it would reply

Searching #Channel For CloneScript
and if its found it reply

Found CloneScript On Nick
and if not found it reply

Sorry Unable To Find CloneScript Please Try A New Search
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